Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sara Foxwell's Grandmother Roberta Wechsler on WBOC

First I would like to say that I am so glad that little Sara's family is happy with the outcome of the Leggs trial and that my thoughts and prayers are with you and all those involved.

Tragic events always bring about all sorts of emotion from family and friends, and this was clearly a very emotional and severely tragic event. WBOC16 and their reporters were on the scene of the Leggs trial today and they have extraordinary coverage and they have put together a collage of video interviews that I will pass along to you.

There's really not anything that I can add to superb coverage of WBOC16  other than I can pass along the emotional videos for you to make your own conclusions of this event.
I can though add one little thing. It ain't over yet [sic]. Watch all the video coverage below and you will understand what I'm referring to.

Foxwell Press Conference 1: Wicomico County State's Attorney Matthew Maciarello


  1. Anonymous2:10:00 AM

    The money allegation is a good one.. I just counted 80 ads on his website. 80*100=$8,000 a month.. or $96,000 a year.
    He tells people that he passes it along to the community.. If he's not, that's misleading. But then again anyone who will pay him $100 a month I guess isn't paying attention to where it really goes.

    He often posts things without verification to say he got it out first, he can beat WBOC and the Daily Times by being wrong occasionally and deleting or burying posts, while they do actual fact checking. He IS profiting off of Sarah Foxwell, if 80 ads are any proof. He knows how to get hits.

    His random rants about WBOC sucks have done me in for him, they're generally baseless attacks against a good station.. He's just a jerk with a big soapbox. I'm glad he got called out in public.. Too bad he just brushed it off like she was 'stressed out' and didn't take it to heart.

  2. Anonymous10:36:00 AM

    Another jerk is that grandmother who has turned this whole tragic incident into a big joke. The poor states attorney was looking for a rock to crawl under! Well I hope he has learned a lesson! Never trust the type of people like the Foxwell's. They are the same kind of people who will get drunk and fight at weddings-ya all know the type-low class!

  3. Anonymous10:50:00 AM

    Wexlers statement was the most entertaining 15 minutes of local TV I've ever seen. It sure made everyone forget that it was supposed to be the day of justice for Sarah.

  4. do NOT turn this into a personal attack thread.

    I will not allow it and I will simply just delete the entire article if it takes that path.

  5. Anonymous12:14:00 PM

    Maybe you should delete the post PPE. Yesterday should not have turned out the way it did. The day was a day of justice for Sarah, not about anything else. Personally I am sick over the way it all turned out.

  6. I'm sad that people don't understand that this event was for the family.

    An Open Letter to the Foxwell Critics

    Dear Critics,

    I do not know the Foxwell family. I did not know Sarah Foxwell, nor did I know her grandmother, Roberta. In all likelihood I would of never had known of any of these people except for the news on that tragic day before the Christmas of 2009, when it was announced that this little 11 year old girl had gone missing. For one moment the community came together collectively, as one, to help find this child. Mothers and fathers looked and hoped she would be found. When she finally was, it was devastating. We learned she had been abducted from her home, while her grandfather slept, by a known sexual predator, who hurt her in horrific ways and ultimately killed her.

    Kind, compassionate people would hold this family up and embrace them in prayer and love and try to help them through unimaginable pain and suffering. Decent people would pour their love out to a family in such unbearable agony. Yet you, critics of the Foxwells, have chosen to pick open every wound, examine every flaw under a microscope and try to destroy these people, who just like you, are imperfect.

    No decent reasonable person wants to see a child harmed and no one wants to see them dead. For those of you who have tried to blame Sarah's mother, or aunt, or grandmother, to perhaps try to deflect some of your own responsibility for allowing a known sex offender roam the streets, I'm disgusted. You did not know Sarah and you did not love her and you have no claim or rights to her memory other than the smear campaign you have embarked in over the lat 15 months to tarnish this sweet child's memory. By besmirching her family, you kill Sarah just a little bit each time. You are willful accomplices in tarnishing this child's memory.

    For the family that loved her. I am without a doubt you loved her very much and did the best you could. There are bad people in this world and the fact is, no one but Thomas Leggs is to blame for the loss of Sarah Foxwell.

    For critics who choose to continue to bash this family, it verges on criminal misconduct at this point to me. You owe this family an apology. Get that plank out of your own eye, neighbor. Your sin is just as bad as any other.

    To the media, if you are going to cover this any further, I suggest you invest those that have facilitated this onslaught of evil on a family in pain and continue to do so whenever or to whomever tragedy or convenience strikes.

    Many of us wanted instant gratification and desired for Thomas Leggs to be served the death penalty immediately. Most of know that enforcement of the death penalty would never have taken place in the State of Maryland.

    With that thought in mind, then the family should be the major concern for the prosecution and the community. Consideration for their thoughts about punishment coupled with their tragic loss should be the only real voice that matters. They wanted life without parole for Thomas Leggs.

    Can you please just stop your blaming of everyone and just focus it in the right place. Empathize with the family's feelings and position, you'll realize we should be silent for once. They're truly hurting and after all this time, they all deserve a little peace, love, and respect.

    Please try to show some dignity for a change and give some respect to this dead child and her family.

    God bless Sarah Foxwell and those who loved her...and God Bless those that didn't know her or her family and think they do. Reach a little deeper in your hearts.

    Thank you,



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