Saturday, March 26, 2011

Spring Has Been Put On HOLD- I Guess

(For the lower Eastern Shore)

I vote NO!!


  1. Anonymous10:57:00 AM

    I hope not! I noticed that my hydrangea buds have frostbite from these nights of 20 degree temps.

  2. those couple of nice warm days spoiled me, I'm ready for warm weather, but not what follows, those really hot days take a lot out of me. Maybe I can spend some time on the water this year.

  3. Anonymous2:11:00 PM

    Well make sure you got your fishing license PPE. New laws went into effect this year and now everyone has to have a license. Something to do with a database the federal government wants.
    It's my understanding that everyone even if they just fish on their once a year vacation to Assateague needs a license.

  4. yep, gotta have those licenses.

    I fish off my boat so I have always had to have a licenses but do you know if that is now for the places that you didn't used to have a licenses for? For example the city docks.

  5. Anonymous2:47:00 PM

    Yep I think you will now have to be licensed to fish from the city docks. Now on one of those fishing piers that you have to pay to fish off of no you don't need a license or on one of the head boats you are okay. Also you can fish without one on a private pier also.
    I believe those under 16 don't need a license.

  6. Anonymous2:55:00 PM

    It's George Bush's fault.

  7. Nah! You'd be better off to blame it on the people like my lovely daughter who welcomes snow and winter any time of the year.

    A license? For federal government database? Good golly! Am I going to have to have a license to take my piece of string and chicken back just to go crabbing? And another I going to have to pay a tax if I pee in the marsh grass??

  8. yup, you have needed a license to crab here in Md for a couple of years now... I forget the details but it's for chicken neckers it's over a certain number of crabs I think

  9. Anonymous3:50:00 PM

    jmmb you better be quiet otherwise you'll have them Coastal Bay people up in helicopters looking for you to pee in the marsh grass and then they'll sue you-LOL.

  10. I'll take a jar then and keep it contained! I do think that would be funny! And I'll check on that license for crabbing since I will be in Va. Crabs are better down here. They are bigger and if you catch 6 the sixth one comes with a 6 pack of beer attached, all ready ice cold.

  11. "I pee in the marsh grass"

    you better watch out for them crabs

  12. Anonymous4:38:00 PM

    Did you know that it's legal to pee or take a dump in the marsh, but if you do it in a plastic bucket then dump it out you can be arrested? Check it out.

  13. Anonymous5:32:00 PM

    I'm coming crabbing at your house jmmb. Nothing better than steamed crabs and a nice cold can of beer!
    And watermelon for dessert.

  14. RE 4:38:00 PM: that gives me an idea for an article on crazy laws that are still on the books.

    RE 5:32:00 PM: you mean you can eat crabs and save room for desert?


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