Saturday, April 2, 2011

Former Officers Of the Law Go To Court

Former Sheriff Deputy Jerry Spencer Tarr was arrested early this year after being caught on video  taking energy drinks  at least  ten different times from the Corner Mart Convenience Store on Chincoteague.  He was charged with ten counts of petit larceny.

On Tuesday, in court, Tarr was found guilty of 5 counts of petit larceny.  The other five other charges were dismissed.   

Tarr received 12 months probation, 30 days in jail with 30 days suspended and was required to pay court costs.

Also appearing in court;

Former Onley Town Police Officer Mark Joseph Whitney was arrested and charged with a DUI in January. 

 Whitney was off duty  when he drove his 2005 Suburu onto Rt. 13 from Rt. 695  into a car driven by Kenneth Jones that was already traveling on Rt. 13.  Jones sustained minor injuries and Whitney was arrested for driving under the influence.

In court on Tuesday Former Officer Mark Joseph Whitney was found guilty of Driving While Intoxicated.  He received 30 days jail time with 20 days usupended and a $1,000 fine, with $500 suspended.

Whitney will be serving his sentence through the Work Release Program.


  1. Anonymous5:23:00 PM

    IS THAT ALL? He abused his power once again and this is ALL that happens to Jerry Tarr? There is no justice if this man is just lightly slapped. MOVE AWAY from the shore Jerry.

  2. Anonymous2:07:00 AM

    It's petit larceny it's not that huge of a deal. He lost his job and now has five misdemeanor convictions on his record. The total loss to the store was less than 50 bucks.


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