Monday, April 4, 2011

Pocomoke City Up-Coming Elections

EDITOR: Sorry that this is so late but maybe a few will still see it. This was emailed to me today at quarter till two and I just got around to reading and publishing this. Had I received this at an earlier time and/or date it would have been published at that time.

                On April 5th citizens of Pocomoke will be going to the polls to elect a new Mayor and a new City Councilman for District 3. Sometimes the voters have a question of experience about each candidate. I have known my opponent and his family for many years. The differences between my opponent and I is the direction that we would want to see the City of Pocomoke move towards. 

             I have served as a law enforcement officer for over 25 years and during this time I have been involved in crime prevention which included organizing neighborhood watch programs, community policing and drug prevention. I have served as a big brother and I have also participated in the Marine Corp Marathon in Washington D.C in 2009 in order to raise money for the Saint Judes Children Hospital and again in 2010 to raise money for the Wounded Warrior Project. I am a member of the Maryland Patriot Guard Motorcycle Club, a member of the Pocomoke Elks, and the American Legion Lodge 0297.

     What I see today is the lack of confidence in our city government, and the lack of information that the city government provides to the people. I have also seen a rise in unsafe and vacant homes and businesses which have become an eye sore and a haven for criminal activity. To help better enforce the city codes to prevent this, I would prefer the housing enforcement code officer to fall under the supervision of the law enforcement. 

      Cypress Park is a visitor’s attraction for the greatest event we have each year. I have seen first hand the erosion of this beautiful park and I would suggest meeting with the Army Corps of Engineers to possible come and assess the erosion problem and to suggest possible solutions. 

      There are many empty buildings on or near Market Street that are unoccupied and I would ask that building owners consider an Amnesty Rent program. This would allow possible small business owners a few months of free rent to establish their business. This program worked very well in alluring to new economic flourish in Dorchester County. 

      I have seen a great program in our city, Save the Youth Program, go unnoticed and underfunded for years. I have seen first hand what this program can do for our city’s youth. I would like to help support this program any way that I can with the city’s help.

                  I also agree to term limits on each elected and appointed position with-in city government. This could be determined by the council as to the length of service. I also believe the Mayor should have the power as all other mayors in the area. This would then change the Chain of Command by starting with the mayor and then city council.  

        My views for change are to focus on saving our youth, saving our parks, enforcing city codes on abandoned buildings, and rebuilding our downtown with new businesses while maintaining our historical charm. I have also heard from citizens that are tired of the old way of government and the lack of things getting done; I now say to them on April 5th please come out and support your candidate of choice. 

Look at your candidates well and cast your vote.  Change is at hand and there is a candidate with good ideas running for this office.

VOTE: Bobby Brittingham City Council District 3

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