Wednesday, April 6, 2011

~Pocomoke Election Winners~

Maybe the weather had alot to do with the turnout at the polls yesterday in Pocomoke for the election but enough voted to show their support for Bruce Morrison and Don Malloy!

Bruce Morrison won the election with a total of 505 votes.  Lynn Duffy ended the election with  97.

In the race for Councilman in District 3, Don Malloy received a total of  67  votes.  Bobby Brittingham received 47 votes.

No word on how many absentee votes there were, if any.  More information will probably come to us later today.

Congratulations to Mayor elect Bruce Morrison and Councilman elect Donald Malloy.

And to Bobby Brittingham and Lynn Duffy:  I would just like to say that the ideas each of you have for making Pocomoke a better place are wonderful ideas.  It is my truest hope that even though you were defeated you will continue to use those same ideas so that somewhere they may be put to good use if needed.   You may not have a seat on the council or be the next Mayor but you still have voices and ideas that can be presented.

Good luck to both of you.  

And if either of want to send a message to the people of Pocomoke send it to me and I'll get it posted for you.

Congratulations Bruce and Don! 


  1. Anonymous9:56:00 AM

    I agree, jmmb. Good post!

  2. Anonymous12:23:00 AM

    really? if you thought they had such good ideas why did you not support them instead?

  3. RE: 12:23:00 AM

    "instead" of what?

    we didn't support or endorse anyone, our post and discussion throughout the election stayed neutral and un biased.

    Not once did we put one candidate ahead of the other.

    So with that you do not know who we supported.

  4. Anonymous11:35:00 PM

    yes we know. Morrison's sign posted on here by JMMB/ aka Brenda Ward said it all including good luck bruce.

    Brucey responded by thanks.

    No one is fooled.

  5. Anon 11:35- If what I post offends you so much then please don't visit here. And yes I did post it. So what's the problem with that? And after you answer that question for me you can answer this: no one is fooled by whom? Who is doing the fooling?

    We posted things written by Duffy and we also posted something from Brittingham. We were both sorry that we did not get that until later. Everyone had a chance.

    And just for YOUR FYI JMMB is NOT Brenda Ward. So please do us all a big favor and don't blame her for something she has not done. That's not very fair to her at all. And besides that what difference does it make who JMMB is when we don't know who anonymous is??

  6. Brenda Ward5:45:00 PM

    Thank you JMMB for clearfying that I am not JMMB. If and when I post on a blog, I use my real name not like ANONYMOUS has done. As a matter of fact, if I had not been told my name was mentioned on here for having Bruce Morrison's sign in my yard, I wouldn't have even come here.
    Futhurmore, if I want to put someone's political sign in my yard, it's my right and my business.

    Brenda Ward


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