Friday, April 1, 2011

Rant on blogger raises eyebrows

SALISBURY -- News of the conviction of the man who confessed to killing an 11-year-old Salisbury girl found dead on Christmas Day took a back seat when the child's grandmother publicly criticized a local blogger during a news conference.

Less than an hour after 31-year-old Thomas James Leggs Jr. pleaded guilty in the kidnapping, sexual abuse and brutal murder of the young child, the victim's maternal grandmother stood at a podium outside the Cecil County Circuit Courthouse and thanked law enforcement officers, the State's Attorney's Office and the thousands of volunteers who search for the child who was abducted from her home Dec. 23, 2009.

"In my opinion"

Roberta Wechsler's statement at Tuesday's news conference took an unexpected turn when she openly scolded blogger Joseph "Joe" Albero for additional "crimes and assaults" against the deceased child and her family as well as the "exploitation of her murder" for personal gain.

"In my opinion, there is still a sociopathic criminal loose in our community," Wechsler said. "He is the leader of a small cult of other sociopathic lemmings. From the moment of Sarah's kidnapping, in my opinion, he has exploited her murder and her memory and tortured and pillaged my family. In my opinion, he is as much a criminal as Thomas Leggs."

The blogger said Thursday that he has abandoned plans to write about Foxwell's kidnapping and murder.
She alleged Albero victimized her family repeatedly since Foxwell's abduction and stated she will seek justice against the blogger and others who committed crimes against her granddaughter.
"We're not the first to be victimized by this man, but we will be the last," she said.


Wicomico County State's Attorney Matthew "Matt" Maciarello said he has not received a formal complaint from Wechsler and he was unsure of the details of her claims.
"It was a day full of emotion and she certainly had a lot on her mind," Maciarello said. "Everyone who sat through the proceeding experienced an emotional release."

Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis said his office had not received a complaint from Wechsler regarding Albero as of Thursday.
"I think it's very unfortunate that she would use our press conference to air her frustrations and concerns with Joe Albero," Lewis said. "This was not the proper venue nor was it the proper time. That press conference was about giving closure to the Foxwell family and the investigators that worked tirelessly to see this case to the end."
However, Lewis said he understood her concerns.
"I clearly heard her frustration," he said. "I heard her concern in her voice and I think what she said is shared by many in our community."

John Robinson, a business owner who filed criminal charges and a protective peace order against Albero in the past, said he was not surprised by Wechsler's comments.
"She said the same thing I did," Robinson said. "He will do anything for attention. He doesn't care."
Robinson said he hopes the State's Attorney's Office will investigate the allegations.
Albero has been sued by a number of individuals including former Salisbury mayor Barrie Parsons Tilghman, former Salisbury Police Chief Allan Webster and former Wicomico County Detention Center Director Doug Devenyns.
"We won each and every one," Albero said.

Businesses targeted

Wechsler was also critical of advertisers on Albero's blog.
"In my opinion, you have actively supported a criminal and cyberterrorist," she said. "And you, too, will be held responsible for that decision."
Albero said he charges a minimum of $100 per month for ads posted on the blog, which he created about six years ago. All income from the blog is donated to charities.
"I'm very proud of the people that advertise with Salisbury News," he said. "We're trying to give back."
Donna Cathell, the owner of a Salisbury consignment shop, said her husband placed an advertisement for her establishment on Albero's site hoping to spread the word around town when her store, Finders Keepers, opened in December. She said the $100 ad was within her budget.
"I'm not a fan of his," Cathell said. "It was advertising."

Another business owner who advertises on Albero's blog said the site gives more exposure for smaller businesses. The business owner asked not to be identified because her establishment has been vandalized because of her ad on the blog.
"If we pulled our ads from everything out there that somebody thought was in poor judgment, where would we advertise?" the business owner asked.
The business owner commended Albero for volunteering in the community.
"I don't agree with him all the time, but we know what's going on when we go to Joe's site," she said.
Market Street Inn owner Robert "Rob" Mulford also has an ad posted on the controversial blog site, but said he hasn't paid for it since December.
"It's America," Mulford said. "You can advertise with who you want. It's free speech. He can do what he wants. People complain but they go to his site every day."



  1. Anonymous4:00:00 PM

    I agree with Sheriff Lewis. That particular press conference wasn't the time or the place for what ultimately occured.
    And now when given a more appropriate platform to comment on the subject the woman refuses to comment-I don't get it.

  2. Anonymous4:11:00 PM

    I think Mrs Wechsler is being instigated along by some who have had differences with Joe Albero for some time. Way before the murder of her granddaughter. She would be wise to cut these new found friendships I think. They have their own agendas and could care less of the Foxwells.

  3. Anonymous9:14:00 PM

    I think Mrs Wechsler has endured what many other in the community have.

  4. Anonymous2:52:00 PM

    I don't always agree with Joe or Sheriff Lewis, but I do agree that the press conference was not the time or place for that type of tirade. I do think that WBOC could have stopped the taping and airing or it sooner than they did, but congratulate them for stopping the airing of it. I feel she should look into her own dysfunctional family to place some blame, instead of blaming a blogger for her heartache and anger!


  5. Anonymous5:22:00 PM

    This whole family is crazy!! Jennifer Foxwells children have been abused for years by her or boyfriends even some of the fathers,It was only a matter of time before one of them turned up dead!And The so called concerned family did nothing, Now they all want to speak out!! AND FOR THE RECORD YES THE AUNT DID KNOW SHE WAS DATING A CHILD RAPIST AND EVEN BEGGED HIM NOT TO LEAVE HER ABOUT A MONTH BEFORE HE MURDERED HER NIECE!!


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