Tuesday, May 3, 2011

E-cycling focus of Earth Day Festival On Chincoteague

Saturday  May 7,  20ll   10:00 AM until  4:00 PM
At the Robert Reed Downtown Waterfront Park

 The Festival is sponsored by the Chincoteague Cultural Alliance to increase awareness about the ways we can help protect the area we live in and the planet.

At last year's festival, over 7,600 pounds of household hazardous waste materials were collected, breaking all records on the Eastern Shore.

This year, the focus is on Electronics recycling. Any type of electronics may be recycled -- computers, keyboards, monitors, printers, scanners, TVs, gaming systems, MP3 players, iPods, cell phones, digital clocks, batteries, stereos, telephones, answering machines, etc. Donation of most items is free. The only charge will be $1 for old style computer monitors and $5 for televisions. Electronics discarded in our landfills release toxins and pollute our environment. While you are doing your spring cleaning this year, put aside any electronics you no longer need and bring them to the Mother Earth Day Festival for recycling.

Also Tidewater Recycling, which is the company that picks up on Chincoteague, will be on hand with educational information and displays to answer all your questions. There will be a 'Pledge Mural' that you and the kids can paint on and will be displayed around town.

In addition to the recycling events, live music featuring Men with Issues, Hemlock Hollow and surprise entertainers will play throughout the day. Over 20 artist/vendors will be participating, including a plant sale. This year's silent auction to raise funds to support future free CCA events features chairs designed by famous local artists. The entries are on display at Sundial Books on Main St.

For more information, please contact Megan at Egret Moon Artworks 757-336-5775 or e-mail egretmoon@yahoo.com.

Source; shoredailynews.com

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