Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Former Pocomoke City Mayor Curt Lippoldt Has Died

This just breaks my heart.   In my opinion there has never been anyone quite like him and in all the years I have known him I have known him to always lend a helping hand.   One of Pocomoke's finest! and I will miss him.

Former Pocomoke City Mayor Curt Lippoldt died this afternoon at the age of 85.

Last Saturday afternoon, Lippoldt collapsed while on stage at his beloved MarVa Theater in downtown Pocomoke. He was rushed to Peninsula Regional Medical Center where he remained in a coma until his death today.

Lippoldt served as mayor of Pocomoke from 1986-1998.


  1. Anonymous3:14:00 PM

    Curt was the right Mayor at the right time. His enthusiasm for the town was contagious.

  2. Anonymous6:53:00 PM

    So sorry to hear of his passing! He was a very nice man, and great mayor. The best the city of Pocomoke City ever had....unlike what we have in office now, no comparison! RIP Mayor Lippoldt!

  3. Glenn Eugster8:48:00 PM

    News of Curt's passing leaves me with a heavy heart. I visited Pocomoke City on my honeymoon and while my wife was shopping on Main St. in Pocomoke City I bought a local paper with an article on the City's interest in the Pocomoke River. When I returned home I contacted Curt and visited the City and the river with him. It was the start of a wonderful relationship. Curt had a generosity of spirit that was unique. He loved the City, the Pocomoke, and the Lower Eastern Shore and believed in its residents. The world was a better place with Curt around. I'll miss him.

    Glenn Eugster

  4. Anonymous9:36:00 PM

    I didn't know Mayor Lippoldt but the way everyone is so upset he must have been a wonderful man. Sincerest sympathies to his family and friends. That's a nice story Mr Eugster.

  5. Pocomoke City will not be the same without former Mayor Curt Lippoldt and the MarVa Theater has lost one of its greatest supporters and volunteers.

    Curt was one of the finest gentleman I have ever met and he will be greatly missed by all of Pocomoke. My condolences to his family.

    Rob Clarke

  6. Anonymous10:20:00 PM

    6:53 - How tacky can you be to offer condolences and then take a cheap shot at the current administration?
    We are all hurting right now, this was neither the time nor the place.

    BTW, it was Mayor Morrison who started CPR on Mayor Lippoldt and kept at it for more than 20 minutes, almost to the point of exhaustion.

  7. 10:20 I also heard today that Mayor Morrison began CPR on Mayor Lippoldt.

    I'm just at a loss for words except I know in my heart that Mayor Morrison did his very best and more.

    There are just so many places in the downtown blocks of Pocomoke City alone that will always remind us of the former Mayor Curt Lippoldt.

  8. Condolences and prayers to Mayor Lippoldt's Family and Friends.

    Pocomoke became a better place when Mr Lippoldt and his family purchased the old Western Auto and joined our community. He will be greatly missed.

    Now to 6:53... Using this thread to take a cheap shot and knock our current Mayor is probably one of the most disgusting and immoral comments I have ever seen on this site. Shame on you! I WILL NOT allow this thread to become a bash fest for our current administration or anyone else for that matter.

    To everyone else; I put that out there the nicest way that I could think of considering what I would really like to say about the nature of their comment and their obvious character. My apologies.

  9. Anonymous9:55:00 PM

    Mr. Lippoldt was a rare and unique individual. He had a sweet disposition, a smile on his face and one who expressed kindness to all. Indeed a rare individual whose impact in the community will be missed. His wife was a friend to my mother at St. Mary's. Both were very sweet people.

    May the Lord keep his family in his loving arms until that wonderful reuniting in the Lord.

  10. Anonymous9:56:00 PM

    When Curt became Mayor, he had huge shoes to fill as he replaced Pocomoke's "Mayor for Life" Dawson Clarke. But Curt had his own agenda to improve our city and he forged ahead. It is ironic that Curt died within days of his good friend William Donald Schaefer. We must remember that had Curt not have Schaefer's ear and support, the Market Street bridge would never have been replaced after its collapse. Curt's love for his hometown was infectious.
    Valerie and Doug - you were blessed with terrific and loving parents. May God hold and keep you during these difficult times.


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