Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Princess's Hat Is Sold On eBay

I immediately thought about my Mother  and Easter Sunday many years ago when I saw Princess Beatrice wearing  this hat.  On that Sunday, everyone dressed up, I told my Mother that my new Easter hat she had selected looked like a bucket on my head.  I was so glad it didn't have a chin strap!  I honestly don't know what I would have done if this had been her selection!

But it seems to have been the best selection for Princess Beatrice.  And to think I laughed so hard when I saw the hideous thing -- just like everyone else.

(Reuters Life!) - The much-mocked hat worn by Princess Beatrice to Britain's royal wedding last month -- widely described as looking like a toilet seat -- sold for 81,100 pounds ($131,000) on eBay, charities which will benefit from the sale said.

The money will be equally split between UNICEF and Children in Crisis, which posted the auction results on their websites.

The fuss over the hat worn to the royal wedding of her cousin Prince William to longtime girlfriend Kate Middleton seemed to have taken Beatrice -- who is the daughter of William's uncle Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson -- by surprise.

"I've been amazed by the amount of attention the hat has attracted," Beatrice said on the auction site. "I hope whoever wins the auction has as much fun with the hat as I have."

The hat, by milliner Philip Treacy, was given a starting price of 5,000 pounds.

Treacy said he was "delighted, flattered and touched by HRH Princess' Beatrice's decision to donate the hat to charity."

Source;  http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/05/23/us-britain-wedding-hat-idUSTRE74M1QY20110523


  1. Anonymous4:58:00 PM

    Looks just like a dog chew toy!

  2. Anonymous8:54:00 PM

    What looks like a dog chew toy, the hat or Beatrice? Or both?


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