Monday, May 23, 2011

Websleuths Tricia Griffith Radio Debut

Tricia Griffith of Websleuths Forum now has a weekly radio show along with great guest on Websleuths Radio.

Today Tricia discussed the Casey Anthony case and some of the horrific things that came from Casey Anthony that you do not see or hear on the MSM.

I'll leave the details out, listen to Tricia for yourself on her new Radio Show, believe me it's worth a listen.  

If you missed the debut of Websleuths Radio you can still listen to the show.
Go here:  and scroll to the bottom of the page. You will see the show in the archive.
If you get a chance to listen I would appreciate any constructive criticism. Be gentle since it is my first live radio show since about 2002. LOL
Thank you for your support.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:27:00 PM

    I just got the chance to listen-very interesting.


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