Sunday, June 26, 2011

Blog Format Poll

Please take a second to vote in the poll for the blog format located at the top right of the page.

The original format just got a little old and boring for us so we decided to make a change. Your opinion is valuable to us so your participation in the poll would be greatly appreciated. If you don't like the new format and have an idea of your own about how the blog should look let us know and we will run that by the readers and see if the majority agrees. If so we will make that change and run another poll on that format to see how it flies.



  1. Anonymous8:15:00 PM

    I just voted for this one. The format you used a few days ago was just a bit too hard on the eyes. I am gratified that you value our opinion but don't forget that it is YOUR blog and you can do as you damned well please.

    Your friend,

  2. Anonymous9:57:00 PM

    I think I'm losing my mind! I can't even remember what the original format looked like even though I been checking in on PPE for almost 2 years and sometimes several times a day.
    I like Slim, didn't like the one from a few days ago. Yes it was hard for me to read also. I'm fine with this layout.


All comments are the sole responsibility of the poster