Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Jury Reaches Verdict -

In the Christine Sheddy murder trial,  a jury of 6 men and 6 women have found Justin Hadel GUILTY of  first-degree murder and assault.


  1. Anonymous2:55:00 PM

    Great Job Beau Oglesby. I don't know how he pulled this off with the scant evidence I heard was presented but a fly on the wall told me his closing was very good.

  2. Anonymous4:39:00 PM

    That sure didn't take long. Wish the Casey Anthony affair could be handled as quickly.

  3. Anonymous4:57:00 PM

    I have some mixed feelings on this verdict yet. I feel this kid is the least culpable BUT on the other hand I feel he is guilty of something otherwise he would have come forward beforehand. To me that shows he has much to hide.

  4. Anonymous5:28:00 PM

    From what I read.. Tia testified on him, and his cell mate testified on him. If I had to guess, the stories matched up pretty good so that it was solid.

  5. Anonymous5:34:00 PM

    They didn't match up at all 5:28. Tia said he hit and killed Christine with a shovel over an argument and he said it was an accident. Cellmate said Jr hit Christine also over an argument and then told Justin to finish her off and Justin hit and also stabbed Christine.

  6. Anonymous6:24:00 PM

    I doubt very much that the jury believed much of what Tia Johnson had to say, 5:28, as a matter of fact parts of her story were so unbelievable it was ridiculous. The cellmate was the believable one with nothing to gain, lose or hide.

  7. Anonymous6:47:00 PM

    Please let's remember that loved ones and family read and try to keep the gory details out of it. If it wasn't for Christine's mother, Lynn, this case would never have been solved, because she pushed and pushed and pushed. Please don't forget that there are two more trials to go, so let's not say anything that would jeopardize those trials in anyway.
    Thank the Lord that justice has been served.


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