Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Minutes From JUNE 6 Pocomoke Mayor and Council Meeting

June 6, 2011
The regular meeting of the Pocomoke Mayor and Council was held in the Council Chambers at City Hall on Monday, June 6, 2011. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M.
Present: Mayor Bruce Morrison

Council Members: Tracey Cottman,
Rob Clarke, Diane Downing,
Bob Hawkins, Donald L. Malloy
City Attorney Mark Tilghman
City Manager Russell W. Blake
City Clerk Carol L. Justice

Review Minutes:In a motion (Hawkins, Clarke passed), to approve the minutes of May 2, 2011.

Review Bills:In a motion (Cottman, Downing passed), the bills presented to be paid. (Copy of bill list attached to original minutes).

Introduction of new police officers, Jarmel Gibson and Jessica Villanueva. Mayor to swear in new officers:Chief Ervin introduced Jarmel Gibson, who graduated from Prince Georges County Municipal Police Academy in December 2011. He is Maryland certified and will only require firearms, field training and in-service training.
Chief Ervin then introduced Jessica Villanueva, who graduated from Messiah College with a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice and a minor in psychology. She will need to attend the academy in July to become certified.
Mayor Morrison sworn in both officers.

Presentation of plaque to former Mayor Michael McDermott in recognition of his six years of service as Mayor of Pocomoke City (2005-2011):Mayor Morrison presented former Mayor McDermott with a plaque of appreciation for his service to Pocomoke City as Mayor.
Mr. McDermott thanked Councilman Hawkins for being a great interim Mayor. He stated that it was a great honor to serve this City and hoped that he made a difference in the lives of Pocomoke City residents.

Special recognition of Mr. William Kerbin, of Pocomoke City, on his recent induction into the Maryland, Delaware, D.C. Press Association’s Newspaper Hall of Fame:Mayor Morrison read a "Proclamation designating June 18 as "Bill Kerbin Day in Pocomoke City". Mayor Morrison congratulated Bill on his recent accomplishments. (Copy attached to minutes).

Public Hearing on proposed City budget for 2011-2012 fiscal year as required by Sec. 49 of Pocomoke City Charter:Mayor Morrison stated that he was pleased to submit the proposed 2011-2012 City Budget. The General Fund, Ambulance Fund, and the Water and Sewer are balanced as required. He stated that he would like to mention a few items in the budget: Highlights of revenues: We have saved on personnel by not filling several vacant positions in various departments; some positions will be filled with seasonal or part-time workers. The Real Property Tax Rate for owner-occupied homes would not change. It was reduced by 1¢ in 2008. However, the Real Property Tax Rate would increase by 4 ¢ (to $0.80/$100) for non-owner –occupied real property. Water and Sewer rates would be increased slightly to make sure that the Water/Sewer Enterprise fund is balanced. There would be no increase in the rates for owner occupied properties, and a 15% increase for all other properties. Rates have not been raised in several years. Income taxes are expected to be down approximately $10,000 due to the economy. SHA Highway User Funds would increase to $59,300. In 2008, we received $240,000. Last year, we received $22,900. Fairgrounds grant funds from the State were cut from $20,000 to $14,000 last year and will be cut by 15% more next year. These funds are used partly to offset our expenses as well as purses, etc. Highlights of expenses: employees’ salaries and related expenses are the most important and largest portion of the budget. In April the Maryland General Assembly changed the policy to now require State and (City) employees to pay 2% more into the pension fund. The budget includes a 2% increase to offset the pension fund increase, and a 2% COLA (Employees have not received raises for three years). Donations to non-profit groups will remain the same as the current year. Some local groups have requested significant increases. There is an additional donation of $2,000 for the Worcester County Youth and Family Services Agency. The EMS budget is balanced, including a subsidy from the General Fund of $87,324. The budget includes $20,000 for a part-time employee who would concentrate on downtown and other economic development issues. The funds will be taken from a separate account that was set up with a grant several years ago for downtown business start-up and expansions. The new Police Department building will be remodeled this fall with an estimated cost of $100,000. The budget includes $100,000 for street paving and repairs. The budget will allow the City to continue providing essential services including public safety, water and sewer, ambulance, and street maintenance. The budget is balanced at a total of $8, 548, 71 including water and sewer, ambulance, and general fund. This figure is $2,060,898 less than last year’s budget of $10,602,769.

Mayor Morrison opened the Public Hearing.
Rev. George Tasker thanked the Mayor and Council for including the Worcester County Youth and Family Services in their budget.
With no other comments from the audience (Hawkins, Malloy passed) a motion to close the Public Hearing was approved.

First Reading of Res. No. 447 to set the tax rate for 2011-2012:
Resolution No. 4447
FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011-2012.

First Reading of Res. No. 448 to adopt the proposed budget for fiscal year 2011-2012:
Resolution No. 448
FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011-2012.

First Reading of Res. No 449 to establish certain fees and other charges for fiscal year 2011-2012:
Resolution No. 449

Review proposal for architectural services for improvements to new police station building at 1500 Market Street:City Manager Blake stated that an ad was placed in the paper for proposals and the deadline was last week. No proposals were received. He added that he contacted Becker Morgan Group of Salisbury to ask for a proposal. They stated that they did not see the ad in the paper. He stated that the City may be able to negotiate with them for a proposal and that they were certainly qualified and had experience to do the work. They have done several other police departments in the area.

In a motion (Hawkins, Cottman passed) to allow City Manager Blake to negotiate with Becker Morgan Company a proposal to bring back to the Council.

Review of bids for electrical pedestals and wiring services at City docks. (DNR Grant funding):City Manager Blake stated that this was phase three of the improvements to the City docks. The first two included life rings and ladders. This project would include installing the new pedestals that were purchased last fall. The City received two bids with the low bidder being Fisher Electric in the amount of $57,165.21. (Bid summary attached).
In a motion (Cottman, Downing passed) to accept the low bidder Fisher Electric in the amount of $57,165.21 to install the new pedestals at the docks.

City Attorney to present revised lease agreement between Pocomoke City and Bloosurf Broadband Co. regarding the placement of antennas on City water towers:City Attorney Tilghman stated that he still had some concern regarding the changes that Bloosurf wanted. Bloosurf wanted to delete "and it is agreed by the parties that the minimum rental under each renewal term will cover any and all costs, fees, (including attorney’s fees), or any other expenses associated with Bloosurf’s presence on the tower, including the management of and administration of this contract with Bloosurf" and "or if Bloosurf loses its status as a non-profit corporation". He stated that he had a problem with the changes and wanted the Council’s input.
Councilwoman Cottman stated that she would like him to take the current contract and come to an agreement for the next council meeting June 20. The Council agreed.

City Attorney to introduce Emergency Ord No. 407: An ordinance authorizing the issuance of Pocomoke City Water Quality Bond for Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements:City Attorney Tilghman stated that MDE needed the Ordinance passed and returned to them before June 30. The Ordinance is authorizing more than we may need but if the project runs over we don’t need to pass another Ordinance. The City would pay back approximately $104,000 with $716,000 being forgiven by the State.
In a motion (Hawkins, Cottman passed) to adopt Ordinance No.407 as an emergency Ordinance to borrow money from MDE to upgrade our Wastewater Treatment Plant. Roll call: Hawkins aye;, Downing aye;, Malloy aye;, Clarke aye;, Cottman aye.

Comments from the Audience:Rev. Barbara Bassuener, from St. Mary the Virgin Episcopal Church, located at 18 3rd Street asked permission to use Cypress Park on Thursdays during the summer months to serve bag lunches to those in need. The lunch would consist of deli-meat sandwich, small bag of chips, fruit, and bottled water. She stated that she could serve between 15-20 people each week.
Councilman Hawkins asked if she was going to advertise this event.
Rev. Bassuener stated that she would.
Councilwoman Cottman asked if this was once a week.
Rev. Bassuener stated that it would be once a week.
Councilman Hawkins asked if she would be using the stage or the pavilion.
Rev. Bassuener stated that she would need to have a small table to serve the lunches from.
Councilman Clarke suggested using the larger pavilion.
Mayor Morrison stated that she would need to coordinate the event with City Hall, and that she would need to work around the Theater Camp which will begin June 23.
In a motion (Malloy, Cottman passed) to grant permission for Rev. Barbara Bassuener to serve bag lunches in Cypress Park during the summer months.

Mayor Morrison suggested that the July meeting be held on Tuesday, July 5..

The Council agreed to meet July 5, at 7:30 P.M. The next meeting will be held on June 20, 2011 at 7:30 P.M.
With no further business (Cottman, Downing passed) a motion was approved to adjourn the meeting at 8:28 P.M.
Approved on ____________________, 2011
Carol L. Justice
City Clerk


  1. Anonymous3:53:00 PM

    Please, please return to the original format for your blog. This one is really hard on my eyes.

    Your friend,
    Slim Pickens

  2. Anonymous10:58:00 PM

    Good night what will happen next? $2,000.00 to Worcester Co. Youth & Family and they haven't had an office open in Pocomoke for a few years. They are located in Berlin.

    Other nonprofits are actively providing services to our community 24/7 and everyday of the month. I always heard charity begins at home but giving it away to an agency in Berlin was a slap in the face to those in OUR TOWN who need help.

  3. Anonymous11:02:00 PM

    Yeah, with all the fundraising they do and in kind gifts they receive how dare they ask Pocomoke and take from the local nonprofits.
    Either someone didn't do any investigating or one of their Board members (Tasker) got his 'favor' for helping a certain campaign. Ok, let's see, Fire Dept., Tom's Refridgeration, State Farm/owner of Delmarva Auto Collision, is there anyone else, get in line, favors are going fast!

    Let's see who is next!

  4. Anonymous11:13:00 PM

    Getting interesting.

  5. Anonymous11:14:00 PM

    Oh you fogot, ambulance company, person who receives the restaurant contract to run it, and oh yes, there are others.

  6. Are we still hung up on a campaign? My lands I would have thought you and others would be over all that by now.

    11:14 your comment above does not seem to be an opinion to me. It is just another stab, just like the others left everytime something is posted on here about Pocomoke. What IS your grief with Pocomoke? Do you attend meetings so that you can be heard? Do you contact your council person if you feel you haven't been heard?

    Enough is enough.

  7. Anonymous9:21:00 PM

    Contacted - check
    Questions asked - check
    Concerns noted - check

    Felt heard - nope

    Alot of people say this.

    Don't worry, favors are being carefully watched by those in town (and out)with their eyes wide open.

    Nothing has changed. That's the shame.

  8. Anonymous9:27:00 PM

    Oh yeah, especially when a new officer in town purchases a home in 2011 from a company which wasn't suppose to 'sell' anything since last December on the outskirts of Jenkins Orchard. That same officer 'slips' at a meeting and makes a taletelling statement because he's a 'newbie' in town who is unaware of the good ole boy politics that have operated here for years. That said it all to me and the fact that certain departments dont serve Pocomoke City. They serve at certain individuals' pleasure.

    The title of my book? Have you guessed it yet?

  9. Anonymous9:55:00 PM

    You know, get off the kick about campaigns. Its done. This game is the same one always played here for years called 'favors for favors'. If I want help with my business or store front or a grant, or you can help me get a bid when everyone in town knows I'm NOT the lowest priced in town, or my employee's husband will see to it my empty building is bought so it doesn't sit on the market too long, I'll help you if you help me. Nothing has changed.


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