Sunday, June 19, 2011

TIME MACHINE ... January, 1880

(The New York Times)

Baltimore, Jan.7. - Advises from Pocomoke City note a curious sequel to the sensation caused a fortnight ago by the scandalous charges brought by Mrs. Polk against ex-State Senator Aydelotte, of entering her house during the absence of her husband and attempting to violate her person. Aydelotte is a conspicuous pillar of the Presbyterian Church. The Rev. Mr. Brown is an eloquent speaker and popular Pastor of the Presbyterian flock, having accepted a call from the West to take the Pocomoke City charge. The congregation has been violently agitated by the charges against Aydelotte, and a split is threatened. On Sunday the church was crowded, but in place of a sermon the Rev. Mr. Brown gave from the pulpit a scathing diatribe, denouncing Aydelotte and the whole community. He came there, he said, supposing he was coming into a Christian, moral, community, but found himself among a people without principle or morality, lost to all sense of shame, rotten to the core. He was ashamed to acknowledge his residence there, and recently in Philadelphia he could not acknowledge to a brother clergyman that he belonged to Pocomoke. He ended by resigning his pastorate, and the congregation dispersed in high dudgeon. The excitement throughout the county is intense.

Next time on the TIME MACHINE: In 1924 a movement against bootlegging, swearing, unclean stories and the like were part of an old fashioned revival that started in Pocomoke City and was sweeping the Delmarva Peninsula.

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