Thursday, July 7, 2011

Casey Anthony: Deputies With Gas Masks Seen at Courthouse Before Sentencing

Public outrage has been building since Anthony was acquitted Tuesday of first-degree murder and other serious charges in connection with her daughter's death in 2008.

At least two deputies have arrived at the Orange County Courthouse with gas masks in anticipation of a strong reaction following this morning's sentencing of Casey Anthony.

Other officers are patrolling on horses.

Public outrage has been building since Anthony was acquitted Tuesday of first-degree murder and other serious charges in connection with her daughter's death in 2008.

Calls to the Orange County Sheriff's Office about its preparations have not been immediately returned.

About 50 people have gathered peacefully outside the courthouse this morning for today's milestone moment.
Anthony, 25, could become a free woman today.

Chief Judge Belvin Perry will decide at a 9 a.m. hearing how much jail time — if any — Anthony will serve for her recent conviction of four counts of lying to law-enforcement.

Each count carries a maximum sentence of one year in prison. If she is sentenced to time-served for the 997 days she's spent in jail, she could be released from jail today.

If Perry sentences Anthony, 25, to time-served, it's unclear when she would be released from the jail, or how that release would unfold.

"Due to the high profile nature of this case and intense, emotional interest by the public, appropriate measures will be taken to release the individual into the community in such a manner so as to preserve the safety of the individual and the public," said jail spokesman Allen Moore.

This kind of release would likely be similar to the 2002 jail release of Noelle Bush, the daughter of then-Gov. Jeb Bush.

Noelle Bush had a secure transfer back to the Center for Drug-Free Living for treatment. The precautionary measure was taken because her uncle was president at the time, and the nation had begun its war on terrorism, Moore said.

A 12-member jury convicted Anthony of the four charges Tuesday. The panel found her not guilty of first-degree murder, not guilty of aggravated child abuse and not guilty of aggravated manslaughter of a child.


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