Tuesday, July 12, 2011

From the office of Delegate Mike McDermott

Press Release


This is a reminder to all of those who wish to be heard on the proposed 300% increase in the Bay Bridge Toll (from $2.50 to $8.00) that the Public Hearing, being conducted by the Maryland Transit Authority, is this Thursday evening from 5:30-8pm at the Stephen Decatur Middle School in Berlin. The school is located adjacent to Stephen Decatur High School.

This is an issue for the entire shore to address and will impact folks in Maryland, Delaware, and Virginia. Commercial truck traffic now paying $15.00 will pay $60.00. This cost will be past onto the consumer. Our brethren on the middle and upper shore who commute daily will pay hundreds more of their discretionary income to the state.

The increased revenue will go toward funding the ICC project, the expansion of I-95, along with other metro projects such as the Red Line and the Purple Line. While the MTA is willing to raid the pocket books of those on the shore, they refuse to consider a toll increase for the ICC so that the users would pay the tab.

Please show up and stand up to this outrageous money grab. Marylander’s…take back your state!

Public Hearing: July 14, 2011
Stephen Decatur Middle School
9815 Seahawk Rd., Berlin, MD

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