Saturday, July 23, 2011


I LOVE hot weather! 
But I never said I love this kind of HEAT ~!!!

I've had MY share of water, juice,salads, fruits,  showers and staying  INDOORS!!!

I've turned the television and radio off because I DON"T want to hear how extremely HOT it is!!

Could someone out there PLEASE turn the thermostat back!


  1. I went by the bank about 2:00pm and it said it was 102 deg. yikes... that's H.O.T.

    I just now came home and drove by the same thermometer and it's still 93 deg. at this time of-a-evening. This week has been just too dang hot.

  2. I'll be the last one to ever complain about the heat and humidity until the weather reaches the temperatures we have had!

    But I don't mind the heat as much as I mind the reports on how HOT it is.


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