Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Princess Anne Fair

If you didn't make it to the Princess Anne Fair you missed a great show. At the Pocomoke Fair there was a lot of horsepower pulling sleds across the dirt, but at The Princess Anne Fair there was real horsepower pulling the sled. It was a simple event with sled pulling and several baked goods auctions between classes when they changed the weights on the sled. Being it was a simple event I don't have much to say except that it was a great event but I do have a lot of pictures for those that missed it.

BTW: The last cake of the day was a Smith Island 10 layer reeses pieces cake and it was auctioned off to the high bidder of $200.00


 GONE!! That's a full pull with 4000 pounds on the sled

Notice when those horses are pulling their ears are pinned back

These horses are big muscular animals

Now it's time to add another 1000 pounds to the sled to make it 5000 pounds, while they do that it's time to auction off some baked goods.

5000 pounds? No problem for these powerful horses. This is real horsepower.

Simply beautiful.

Time to dig! Let me tell you when the operators drop that ring on the tongue of the sled those horses hear it and do not need directions, they dig-in and take off. You can feel the power in the ground when they do. 

Again, 5000 pounds is no problem for these massive animals.

You'd never know the power of these genital beast if you didn't see it for yourself. 

It's time to change the weights on the sled again, this time they only go up 500 pounds for a total weight 5500 pounds. While they make the changes another baked good goes up for auction.

This is a picture of the team.

And stomping the ground with 5500 pounds.

1 comment:

  1. That is great!! And some guys I know are 'done in' after they pull those great weights with a tractor!

    Great pictures! Can't wait to tell the tractor pulling guys about this!


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