Thursday, July 14, 2011

Walmart Theft Case Against Tia Johnson

Tia Johnson was in court today for FIVE  charges brought against her for theft from Walmart from  2/26/09 until 2/20/11.

Of the five charges brought against her she will be serving time for only one charge -  Theft-Scheme: $1,000 to under $10,000.

Serve Time: Yrs:Mos:2 Days:29  Hours:0
Probation : Yrs:Mos:0 Days:Hours:0
Fine Amount:500 Fine Due Date:CWS Hours:Credit Time Served:0

And a judgement placed against her:
Judgment Date:07/14/2011  Index Date:07/14/2011  Status Date:07/14/2011
Status Entered Amount:  $1860.75Judgment   Type:Money
For: Walmart
Against:Johnson, Tia Lynn
Judgment Comments:Ordered to be paid through Parole and Probation as directed.

Tia Lynn Johnson was one of the key witnesses in the Justin Hadel murder trial in which Justin (Johnson's cousin) was convicted  of 1st degree murder of Christine Sheddy.

Maybe this is the  beginning ..............


  1. Anonymous12:05:00 PM

    that is for only 2 months. I know she had been doing this for a long time. Look at all the vehicles she has...paid off. Piece of crap!

  2. Anonymous2:18:00 PM

    Well she won't be needing the cars paid for or not they don't let you drive when your locked up...she was just arrested as accessory to murder after the fact for Christine Sheddy's murder...what a waste she is...


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