Sunday, August 14, 2011

Comment From A Reader

One of our readers brings to view alot of good points concerning the recent drug busts and the every growing 'War On Drugs".

I'm a bit annoyed after thinking all this over.
  Okay-so they've arrested all these (including the "street" dealers in PC) and the original 5 or so were charged federally and given like 20 years in prison.  Now these dumb a**, trouble causing street dealers will (if we are lucky) given hardly any time in prison. 
From their previous histories they will be right back out dealing with new traffickers taking over the lead. 
This so called War on Drugs we've heard about for years now is not working because drug usage and the crime that goes along with it has increased dramatically. 
What annoys me is these ridiculously high sentences for the main players and the ridiculously low sentences for the street dealers. 
What's totally obvious is the leaders have some brains about them:  West a talented mechanic, Planter a talent for business and Galloway an author.  
Maybe if the officials concentrated MORE on the street dealers these big guys would have few less sellers out there. 
 Maybe if the main players were given a more sensible sentence and just like Michael Vick did w/dog fighting got out there and spoke the evils of drug dealing and usage some good would come? 
  What the Government is doing NOW is a complete failure.
After rethinking this all over I hate to give up on the orginal ones arrested because I really believe they could do some good with these young hoodlums and I think it's a hugh waste to keep them in prison for 20 years when someone is going to come right back in and replace them using the same ones to sell it on the streets.

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