Sunday, August 28, 2011

Dear Miss Hurrican Irene.....

Dear Miss Hurricane Irene,
I have been miserable all day because of you.  Everytime I go out to use the bathroom I get my paws wet and there has been no time to play with my new friend Sprout.

We argued over a toy and our mommy took it away from us because we pulled the stuffing out and made the living room look like it had snowed.  I hope mom takes us to that store for smart pets tomorrow for a new one.

 My mommy says you will be gone in the morning. But for now you are scaring our mommy so would you please go away now. 

I have to go because i'm too young to be on the computer.  But this is what i think of  you.
Miss Lady in the city

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:53:00 PM

    Cute! And Miss Lady is a doll!


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