Monday, August 29, 2011

Gaddafi Family Nanny Describes Physical Abuse At Son's Seaside Condo (GRAPHIC VIDEO)

With its panoramic views and opulent furniture, the seaside home of Hannibal Gaddafi more closely resembles a luxury resort than a private residence. But a closer inspection of the home following Libyan rebels' ransacking has now revealed some of the unspeakable horrors to have allegedly taken place on its premises -- even among those trusted to take care of the colonel's grandchildren.
As CNN is reporting, Shweyga Mullah, an Ethiopian woman who'd been working as a nanny to Hannibal's two children, claims she suffered brutal abuse at the hands of Hannibal's wife, Aline.
"She took me to a bathroom and tied my hands behind my back, and tied my feet," the 30-year-old Mullah told CNN, before describing having been scalded after she refused to beat Hannibal's young son when he wouldn't stop crying. "She tied my mouth...and she started pouring the boiling water on my head like this."
Mullah, whose wounds appeared to be in desperate need of medical attention, said she was never paid for her work. "I worked for a whole year; they didn't give me one penny," she noted. "She said, 'No money for you. You just work.'"
Watch CNN's interview with Shweyga Mullah below (WARNING: contains graphic imagery):

VIA: Huffpost

1 comment:

  1. That is just aweful. I really do hate seeing news stories such as this one, It just proves there are truly brutal and mad people out there.


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