Monday, August 22, 2011

Obama pays Sunday visit to Comcast CEO

In all my life I can't remember any POTUS ever paying a personal visit to a company CEO. Something smells fishy and it ain't fish.

The presidential motorcade on Martha's Vineyard peeled out of Blue Heron Farms at 5:15 p.m. with the president and Valerie Jarrett in tow.

After 10 minutes, we made an abrupt left turn on John Cottle Road — an unpaved, deeply rutted eight-foot-wide private path hemmed in by ivy, scrub oak and big, scary boulders.

After bottoming out four times — we're talking two-foot holes in a sand-and-gravel road, along with one hairpin turn — Obama and Jarrett arrived at the West Tisbury home of their friends Brian and Aileen Roberts, spokesman Josh Earnest informs us. It was 5:30 p.m.

Roberts is chairman and CEO of Comcast.

VIA: Politico


  1. Last winter he had dinner in a private home of undisclosed address in San Francisco, where he dined with Bill Gates (Microsoft), Steve Jobs (Apple), Mark Zuckerburg (Facebook) The CEO of Google, and the CEO of Cysco Systems.
    There was no agenda announced, but days thereafter, the CEO of Googe was appointed to his cabinet as the newly formed chair of 'Head of Technology'

  2. Anonymous9:12:00 AM

    "Head of Technology"-what a crock! And the CEO of Google of all things-like whoever that is really needed another job. I wonder how much we are paying him!

  3. Anonymous2:27:00 PM

    I see no head of technology...

  4. Anonymous1:33:00 AM, just wait.....if he isn't appointed to some high fancy position, then maybe we have learned of a special 'friend'!


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