Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Pocomoke Cypress Park and Hurricane Irene

Pocomoke Cypress Park
Sunday, August 28, 2011
After Hurricane Irene
After The Storm

The largest tree closest to the American Flag lost some branches and its very top cracked and fell.
I love this tree.  My family used this tree many times as the "wait for me there" tree. Or "go no farther than" tree.  I hope it lives.
Many of us have seen Cypress Park like this quite a few times. 

Many years ago when Feldman's Furniture was in business there were a few times when warehouse merchandise had to be taken to the second floor.  During that same time of flooding water would run into the backyard of what was once known the Simon Helig home.  Water would also  cover the tennis courts.
Many people were left without electricity due to hurricane Irene, including a few businesses downtown.  City Hall operated on Monday with a partial staff and is in full operation today along with the other stores and businesses. 

The Delmarva Discovery Center is OPEN today but has no phone service.

And I imagine the water in the park is almost gone..........

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