Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Waterman Shocked From Downed Power Line

SMITH ISLAND, Md. —AP- Low-hanging power lines from Hurricane Irene shocked a waterman on Smith Island and forced power to the Chesapeake Bay island to be shut off after the storm.

The Rev. Rick Edmund, who lives on the island, said Tuesday that one of his parishioners, Buddy Evans, was pulling a cart of soft shell crabs Sunday morning when a power line touched his shoulder.

Edmund says Evans was unconscious at first but made it to his house. His wife called rescuers on the island who provided first aid. Evans sustained severe burns to his hand and shoulder. He was flown to the Washington Hospital Center for treatment and is in good condition.

The power was shut off for eight hours Sunday.

Edmund says there was only minor hurricane damage at Smith Island.



  1. Anonymous2:26:00 PM

    I've been curious to know how our Smith Islanders made out during the hurricane. I'm pleased to hear they escaped with only minor damage.
    I hope Mr Evans makes a speedy and full recovery.

  2. Anonymous7:53:00 AM

    I just got back from seeing him in the hospitol and he is doing very well.


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