Friday, September 23, 2011

Gumboro Mudbog Canceled

The mudbog scheduled for Saturday, September 24, 2011 in Gumboro, Del.  has been canceled due to the weather conditions that have been forcasted for today and tomorrow.

No word on a date to make up this race.

The next date for Gumboro Mudbog  is Saturday, October 8th.

Unless tomorrows canceled race is rescheduled  October 8th will be the last race for the season.


  1. Anonymous12:45:00 PM

    A mudbog cancelled because of rain????? Gimme a break!

  2. Rain makes it a little miserable if you have to be in it all day.

    A little difficult getting things done.......use some logic.

    I certainly wouldn't want to be a spectator- being in the pits when it rains is nasty enough.

  3. Anonymous6:40:00 PM

    I don't guess many spectators would show with rain forecasted. And since the spectators pay the bills and offset the cost I do believe this is a wise decison.


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