Saturday, September 10, 2011

Justin Hadel Is Sentenced

Christine Sheddy, mother of three small children, went missing November 2007.

In  February 2010, the remains of  Ms. Sheddy  were found in Snow Hill on the property of a bed and breakfast.

Justine Hadel, who was convicted of  murdering Christine Sheddy,  received his sentence Friday,
September 9, 2011 in Worcester County, Maryland.

Hadel was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.  Never.

And to use the words from the Worcester County State's Attorney Office:

"Today we remember that no matter how hard you try, no matter how far you run, no matter how many lies you tell – justice will find you in Worcester County. If Justin Hadel doesn’t remember that, then he has a lifetime in the Department of Corrections to think about it."

I think that just about sums it up.


  1. Anonymous8:20:00 AM

    he is right where he should be
    no ones fault but his own
    he made his own bed and now its time he lays in it

  2. Anonymous11:33:00 AM

    Hopefully the other prisoners will "take care" of him in their appropriate fashion, as he looks like a bit of a wuss. I suggest any gifts to him be in the form of KY jelly!

  3. Anonymous4:50:00 PM

    I hope they don't place him in ECI. The last thing we need around here is for anymore of his whacko family to move to the area so they can be closer to him. Ship him back to the western shore where he came from please.

  4. Anonymous11:00:00 AM

    Hey, the western shore does not want him either! I suggest placing him in an individual cell and delivering him roughly 60 minles east of ECI and count the seconds until he hits bottom! Ooopppps, sorry that may be to harsh for some - tell that to his victim.

  5. Anonymous7:35:00 PM

    I hope when Justin gets settled into the structured institutional life he will take advantage of the many prison programs.
    He's an angry person, due in part to his own unstable childhood.
    He needs to get into the programs offering psychological services, and anger management.
    I'm hoping someone out there will be able to find the compassion and patience in his soul. I'm sure those traits are there somewhere. I'm sure Justin will then show remorse and compassion for his victim and tell the whole story of Christine's murder and the others involvement.
    I just feel this is going to happen. You can just at his eyes and see he is one scared kid.

  6. Anonymous1:00:00 PM

    I am happy to see this article. Great work. Good emotions and making all happy.

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