Saturday, September 10, 2011

Panel Approves Hardwire Testing

SNOW HILL — Hardwire LLC received permission from a county zoning board to test its military-grade armor products by subjecting them to explosions on a patch of land close to Chincoteague Bay.

After an hours-long Board of Zoning Appeals public hearing Thursday night, the defense contractor got approval to use a 400-acre parcel off Langmaid Road for “the testing of military armament of vehicles."

Founded in 1999, Hardwire has secured multi-million government contracts to produce stronger-than-steel armor for bridges and vehicles.

Environmental advocacy group Assateague Coastal Trust opposed Hardwire’s efforts to use the site for detonations, saying it would go against the county’s comprehensive plan, and would set a poor precedent for uses of parcels zoned for “resource protection.”

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