Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Raising Money To Keep Poe's Baltimore Home OPEN

A quartet of Washington-area bands is planning an Oct. 7 concert to benefit Baltimore's beleaguered Poe House.

The concert, set for the 162nd anniversary of Edgar Allan Poe's death, will feature the bands Lenorable, Nunchucks, Dance for the Dying and Lions & Tigers & Whales. It is being by organized by Washington-area fans of the famed poet and master of suspense.

"When I heard about the funding problems at the Poe House, I immediately went into action mode," said Kai Hsieh, one of the concert's organizers, who describes herself as a frequent visitor to the house. On a recent drive through Baltimore, she and a friend noted the many Poe influences scattered around the city — including the NFL football team named for one of his poems — "and we certainly don't want the Poe House closed down, especially with all Poe has influenced," Hsieh said.

The Poe House and Museum, in which Poe lived for several years with his aunt and in which he met his young cousin and future wife, Virginia, has had its city funding cut and could close next year if an alternate source of money is not found. Baltimore City recently approved a study to look at ways of turning the house into a self-sustaining museum and cultural institution.

Poe died in 1849 after being found wandering the streets of Baltimore, disheveled and wearing someone else's clothes.

The concert takes place at Washington's Velvet Lounge, 915 U St. NW. Tickets are $8, with the music set to begin at 9:30 p.m. Information:


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