Friday, September 16, 2011

Sanchez Pleads Guilty In Johnny Strand Murder

Gee- Improper documentation.  All this time he's been in this country illegally and no one botherd to check!
Fernando Carillo Sanchez

Fernando Carillo Sanchez, 24 of Accomack pleaded guilty to the murder of Johnny Strand in Accomack County Circuit Court Thursday morning. Strand, the popular manager of Pizza Hut in Onley was found dead by relatives on the morning of May 1, in his bedroom at his mobile home on Pine Ridge Drive near Melfa, when they went to check on him when he didn't show up for work that day.

The relative Gladys Church found his trailer locked and went to the Sheriff's Department to report Strand as missing. Because he had only been missing a few hours the Sheriff's Department asked Church to check the trailer. Church and her son went to the trailer, used a credit card to gain entry and discovered Strand's body.

Medical examiners determined that a baseball bat found at the scene was the murder weapon and that the perpetrator delivered 8 blows to the back of Strand's head, which Commonwealth's Attorney Gary Agar said was conclusive evidence that the murder was not in self defense.

Johnny Strand
Agar stated in is summary Sanchez then located the keys of Strand's Ford Expedition, turned all of the lights off and locked the door on the way out, indicating that the murder was premeditated.

On May 4, the Expedition was spotted at the Shore Stop in Accomac. The Sheriff's Department quickly found it near a trailer at Dreamland Homes. After interview all of the individuals riding in the car it was determined that Sanchez was the driver and had obtained the vehicle a few days prior.

Sanchez pled guilty to first degree murder. Circuit Court Judge John C. Morrison Jr. accepted the plea and the plea agreement which called for 35 years in the State Penitentary with 15 years suspended pending payment of court costs by Sanchez and good behavior for the 35 year term. Sanchez's presence in the country without proper documentation is considered a violation of good behavior.



  1. Anonymous10:55:00 AM

    I don't think he was here illegally. It appears he could be released after serving 20 years and must for the next 15 years after release maintain good behavior which includes keeping up with his immigration status with proper documentation, visas, etc.

  2. Anonymous10:14:00 PM

    So it appears that who seemed to be a fine upstanding and hard working citizen's life was only worth 1/2 of court costs. Simply amazing how our criminal system is so screwed up.

  3. Anonymous9:32:00 PM

    This is my uncle..I'm still hurt by his uncle was a great man we miss him dearly he didn't deserve to die the way he did..But I forgive this man because I don't have hatred in my heart


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