Saturday, October 1, 2011

AGENDA ~ Pocomoke City Mayor and Council Meeting

7:30 p.m., Monday, October 3, 2011
City Hall
1.      Call to Order, Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance.

2.      Review and approval of minutes from meeting of September 12, 2011.

3.      Review and approval of bills to be paid.

4.      Mr. Mike Kleger, Vice President and Ms. Leslie Michalik, of P.K.S., to present annual audit report for year ending 6-30-11.

5.      Discuss letter from Delmarva Discovery Center requesting additional funding for their operations (letter dated 9-20-11).

6.      Review of bids for demolition of vacant house at 707 Clarke Avenue.

7.      Resolution No. 450 authorizing the submission of 2011-2012 Community Legacy Grant Application.  (Emergency Resolution)

8.      Resolution No. 451 authorizing Mayor to sign revised agreement with Shore Bank for acquisition and renovation of property at 1500 Market Street for use as police station.
(Emergency Resolution)

9.      Continue discussion of certain delinquent business taxes recommended to be written off.

10.  Discuss request from the Samaritan Shelter for gift certificate for their “Annual Christmas Gift Basket”.

11.  Review letter from Chamber of Commerce requesting use of Winter Quarters Golf Course for annual golf tournament on 10-21-11.

12.  Consider request from Pocomoke High School for placement of ad in 2012 yearbook.

13.  City Manager to present summary of proposals for replacement of butterfly valves at water treatment plant.

Comments from the Audience.
Mayor and Council Items.
Adjourn to Executive Session to discuss personnel, real estate, and legal matters as permitted under the provisions of Sec. 10-508 (A), (1), (7), (8) of the State Government Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland and to perform executive actions.


  1. Anonymous7:21:00 PM

    Discovery Center requests additional funding for their operations? I've said it before and I will say it again...They don't take in enough to even pay the electric bill. We gave them $250,000 just to fix the roof and the whole building wasn't worth $250,000, much less the roof. Has anybody ever seen an audited statement of visitors...or income and expenses? For Chrissake, they are closed on Sundays and holidays, the very times tourists are most likely to visit. The whole thing is a bottomless money pit scam to benefit a few people who know how to game the system.

    Your friend,

  2. Oh, Slim-
    An audited statement of visitors or income expenses?

    Have YOU ever bothered to go by there and see the joy on the faces of the children that see these creatures for the first time in that huge tank? Have YOU ever been to any of the functions for the children? Do you know how many functions the DDC has for children to give them a hands on experience? If not then you have no idea how many groups of children have visited the DDC since its opening.

    I only wish there could have been something like this when my children were growing up in Pocomoke.

    Are you a volunteer? That may change your mind.......if you want to criticize something for goodness sakes get out and experience it before you do. I'll believe you then.... maybe.

    I think that it is important to do anything that can be done to keep the DDC open and I'm confident that if the city council can't help them they will say so. But then if the city didn't help the DDC the citizens would be wondering why that didn't happen.

  3. Anonymous9:16:00 PM

    Ah, yes, JMMB, I am not a current volunteer but am familiar with the activities, both past and present. I will concede there are benefits for the children as well as adults, but the costs in this case exceed these benefits by a wide margin. I know it's not popular to criticize anything that is "for the children" whether it be school funding, subsidized meals, child care, etc. but there have to be limits and this white elephant has exceeded the limits.

    Your friend,

  4. All I can say is give it time. The DDC isn't just for the people of Pocomoke and I've seen alot of families there from other towns. I have no idea what the expenses are but I do feel that they are doing a wonderful job and I am doing all I can do to help promote it.

    I want the Delmarva Discovery Center to succeed. I want every child to see what is in that tank and to be able to see them being fed. I want children to know the difference between turtles, snakes, fish. I WANT all people that have never seen these things to be able to say they saw them in Pocomoke.

    And if the council is willing to donate their monies to the DDC then I say BRAVO. I believe that everything needs to be done to keep it going.........I'd rather see money spent on that than money given to some organizations that only help a few.(with little or no results)

    But then there are still some that moan and groan because Pocomoke doesn't have anything and then when they do get something that is nice and in the long run will pay off it's STILL not right. So go figure...

  5. Anonymous9:24:00 AM

    I am usually against government doling out funds for alot of causes/organizations that I believe could do more as far as fundraising. In the case of the DDC though I feel since it potentially benefits all of us, at any time and if it's a way to keep the admission fees low I agree with jmmb.
    I would like to see it mandatory in (atleast Worcester county) that ever 5th grader take a class trip to the DDC for a hands on science lesson and I think the county should pay for this to happen.


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