Thursday, October 13, 2011

Couple Lost In Corn Maze Calls 911 For Help

Connors Farm corn maze
Courtesy of The Maize, the Utah-based company that designed
the maze.
 DANVERS, Mass. -- Getting lost in a corn maze is supposed to be fun. But it turned into a nightmare for a Massachusetts couple who got so lost that they had to be rescued by the police.

It all started late Monday afternoon, when the couple entered a corn maze at Connors Farm in Danvers, Mass., about 23 miles north of

After about an hour in the maze, darkness began to fall. The couple, who were there with their 3-week-old baby, were unable to find a way out. As the mosquitoes started to descend, they placed a desperate call to 911 asking to be rescued.

The Danvers police released audio of the call.

Here's an edited transcript:Woman in tears: Hi, I just called. I'm still stuck at Connors Farms. I don't see anybody. I'm really scared. It's really dark and we've got a 3-week-old.

Police officer: Your husband is with you?

Woman: Yes. But my baby...

Police officer: A police officer is on the way. Can you put your husband on the phone?

Husband: I see lights over there at the place, but we can't get there, we're smack right in the middle of the corn field.

Woman: I don't know what made us do this, it was daytime when we came in, we thought if we came in someone would come in and find us... We can hear [the police officers]... Oh, my goodness. The mosquitoes are eating us alive, and I never took my daughter out, this is the first time. Never again.

Woman: This is embarrassing.
By the end of the seven-minute call, a K-9 unit had found the couple.

Kamille Combs, marketing director for the Utah-based company the Maize, which designed the Connors Farm maze, said the company's average corn maze is 8 to 10 acres and that it takes the average person 45 minutes to complete the maze.

She said the company usually breaks its mazes into three different phases -- "because some people want that ultimate challenge, and others are happy after 20 minutes."

She said she'd never heard of someone needing to be rescued by the police from a corn maze before.
Video and more to the story:

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