Thursday, October 13, 2011

Pocomoke City Police Chief To Retire

I received word just a few moments ago......

Long time Pocomoke City Police Chief J.D. Ervin has announced  his retirement.

Chief Ervin will retire from his many years as Chief of the Pocomoke City Police Department on November 30, 20ll.

Captain Kelvin D. Sewell will become the new Chief of Pocomoke City  effective December 1, 2011.

More to follow soon....

Those of us at the PPE thank Chief Ervin for all of his great work through  the years and  hope that Chief Ervin enjoys his retirement immensely!

Congratulations  and good luck to Captain Sewell  in your new postion as being the Chief of Police of Pocomoke City.


  1. Anonymous2:39:00 PM

    Ervin should have retired long ago. He was a do-nothing puppet.

  2. Anonymous5:05:00 PM

    I wouldn't say that 2:39. Pocomoke has fine officers on the force and Chief Ervin had a hand in their hiring.

  3. Anonymous7:27:00 PM

    Chief Ervin's accomplishments are impressive 2:39.
    Of course everyone has faults and flaws but you need to look at the bigger picture. It's like if someone paints their house you don't focus on a small missed spot.


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