Sunday, October 16, 2011


I'm on vacation but The TIME MACHINE will return with some "new" old stuff on Sunday, 10/23, and a preview a few days before. See you then!

tk for PPE

Do you have a local memory to share with PPE readers.. such as a big snow storm, a favorite school teacher, a local happening, something of interest your parents or grandparents told you about? It can be just a line or two or more if you wish. Your name won't be used unless you ask that it be. Send to and watch for it on a future TIME MACHINE posting!


  1. Anonymous4:49:00 PM

    I have a local memory, and it's a fairly recent one. I remember Saturday, October 1st I commented on this very blog that the Delmarva Discovery Center didn't generate enough revenue to even pay the electric bill. Well, golly gee whiz, today's Daily Times reports that the City Council has been giving the DDC $15,000 per year to help with the electric bill. Even worse, DDC says that's not enough and wants $25,000 per year. And to make it worse, they want $35,000 to purchase a generator. For $35,000 one can get a 200kw diesel generator with auto-start and an auto-transfer switch. I can understand their wanting to be able to oxygenate the fish tanks in case of a power failure, but just how big is a 200kw generator? It's big enough to power everything at the DDC plus provide electricity for every building on the two downtown blocks of Market Street!

    I also questioned whether anyone had seen a financial report from DDC. Apparently not, since the Council has finally made the funding conditional on DDC producing their books for review. Thank God Councilman Clarke had the good sense to vote against this.

    I'm telling you folks, DDC has nice goals and a laudable mission, but it has turned into a vast hole into which your money is being poured, never to be seen again.

    Your friend,

  2. Anonymous7:19:00 AM

    Maybe not just a financial report but also a report outlining what is being done to promote the DDC, Slim. There has been numerous festivals/shows through out Delmarva in just the past few months. This is something the Board could be doing-going to these different venues, setting up a portable display and handing out literature and answering questions, and even selling some of the articles for sale in their gift shop.


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