Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Councilman Bob Hawkins Has Died

It is with my deepest sympathy that I relay the news that the beloved Councilman Robert (Bob) Hawkins has died.

Councilman Hawkins was involved in an automobile accident this afternoon at Winter Quarters Drive  and Route 13 in Pocomoke City, Maryland.

In so many ways he will be missed ....... More information coming as I receive it.

Please keep the family and friends of Councilman Hawkins in your heart and prayers.


  1. Councilman Clarke8:19:00 PM

    Pocomoke City has lost a wonderful public servant!

    Our prayers go out to the family of Councilman Robert "Bob" Hawkins. He will be sorely missed by all of us on the City Council and in City government, as well as all those on the various boards and commissions on which he served.

    Mr. Bob, thank you for your service to our community and our country. The wise council of your many years of service will be missed not only at the council table, but throughout our community. You have earned your rest in a better place.

    God Bless you and your family Mr. Bob!

    We must also keep the members of the family involved in our prayers as well. May God guide you through these very troubling times.

    Rob Clarke

  2. Anonymous9:02:00 PM

    So sad. My prayers and thoughts are with the Hawkins family. I know first hand how overwhelming it is to lose someone close to you in a sudden accident.

  3. Oh my goodness! This is very sad news. I never know what to say in situations like this.

    My thoughts and prayers go out to the Hawkins family in this tragic time.

    It is always very hard to lose a loved one so suddenly.

    Mr. Hawkins was a very straight forward, honest gentleman. He will be deeply missed by many.

    I'm so sorry. Blessings

  4. I am certain that there is a hush over the city of Pocomoke tonight.

  5. Anonymous10:30:00 PM

    Councilman Hawkins, inspired me. You were definitely proud of Pocomoke City and all of our Citizens, but most of all especially with the upcoming Veteran's Day, you were a proud Veteran who served this Country with distinction. I always became heavy hearted watching as you would come to your feet and stand erect as you properly gave the salute to our Flag, even while others just walked by. If only we could be half the countryman you were, this country would no doubt be so much better off. God Bless You as you enter heaven and may God hold firmly your family that you leave here on Earth until we all meet in heaven, rest in peace.

  6. Thankyou for your warm and sincere comment Anon 10:30PM.

    Councilman Hawkins was indeed a proud Veteran. - one of the many things I admired him for.


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