Friday, November 18, 2011

Emergency Authorization Passed by Accomack Board

By Candy Farlow

Delinquent taxes were at the root of an issue addressed by the Accomack County Board of Supervisors Wednesday evening. County Attorney Mark Taylor advised the supervisors of a situation where work has been stopped on the replacement of a roof on a business in New Church.

The work was halted due to the fact that no building permit had been issued for the project as delinquent taxes are owed on the property. In the meantime, rainwater continues to pour into the building causing further damage.

Supervisor Grayson Chesser described the dire need for the roof replacement calling the situation a safety hazard. Referring to dilapidated property elsewhere in the county, Chesser said, "We dont want to be causing another Whispering Pines."

 Ultimately, the board voted to approve an emergency amendment to the ordinance regulating the issuance of building permits to allow them to avoid waste on an emergency basis. That action will allow the countys building department to permit the roof replacement despite the delinquency.

The amendment must be brought back for a public hearing and final action within 60 days.


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