Monday, November 21, 2011

Michelle Obama and Jill Biden Get Booed at a NASCAR Race Sunday

First Lady Michelle Obama and Second Lady Jill Biden visited NASCAR’s season finale at Homestead-Miami Speedway Sunday to honor military troops and families, as well as to recognize new commitments by companies planning to hire and train veterans and military spouses.

While there for a good cause, it sounds like the crowd booed the introduction of Obama and Biden over the loudspeaker before the two, with a veteran and his family, delivered the most famous words in NASCAR. Video cut by Mediate:

The AP reports that the women had received a standing ovation at the pre-race drivers’ meeting Sunday, where Obama said NASCAR has been “amazing in terms of its support, not just today but every day for military families.”

But while serving as a grand marshal for the finale Sunday, it sounds like NASCAR fans in Florida are not fans of the First Lady.

Do you think the crowd was clearly booing Mrs. Obama? Does that cross the line, given that in addition to Biden, the First Lady was serving as a grand marshall with a veteran and his family while honoring the military?

VIA: TheBlaze


  1. NASCAR has done alot in recognizing our military over the years. The interview with Mrs. Biden and First Lady Obama was a disaster as far as I am concerned. Mrs. Biden- usually a well spoken person seemed to be at a loss for words at times. Neither lady seemed to get their point across as to why they were even there.

    So they were there to "recognize new commitments by companies planning to hire the military and the spouses". Oh, and to honor the military. Well, you could plainly see they weren't into all of that. In fact they didn't seem sincere enough to convince me about anything.

    I don't know if the crowd booed them or not from the stands but I can tell you I booed from my living room. ... And I thought the selection NASCAR made for those singing the National Anthem was bad. These two ladies won by far for a thumbs down.

  2. Anonymous7:47:00 AM

    "Neither lady seemed to get their point across as to why they were even there."

    Wasn't it obvious? They were there to get votes for Obammy and Gaffe-A-Minute Joe.

    Your friend,


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