Friday, December 9, 2011

"Drive Out Hunger" Feeds 70 Families

 When Josh Nordstrom was growing up he probably never had to worry much about never having lunch money. Like most of us he probably never went without a huge dinner during the holidays.  Today, Josh Nordstrom, all grown up, is helping his community and is co-owner of "Drive Out Hunger". 

Josh, and those that assist him deserve a huge round of applause and pats on the back!

 POCOMOKE CITY -- "Helping feed people -- especially children, the elderly and those less fortunate than ourselves -- is perhaps the best way we can show how thankful we are this holiday season," said Joshua Nordstrom, public relations director at Midway Toyota in Pocomoke City and co-founder of the "Drive Out Hunger" project.

From left are Joshua Nordstrom, Nina Franceschi, Dale Cook and Dan Prescott.
This collaborative effort includes Midway, Tyson Foods, Dot's Food Pantry, Food Lion and the Lower Shore Family YMCA. Its mission is to provide a healthy, hearty meal to those in our community who may otherwise go without on Thanksgiving.

In its first year, the effort was able to feed 70 families in need --an estimated 250 people -- here on the lower Eastern Shore.

"All of us involved would like to thank the many people who contributed to the project this year," Nordstrom added, "and we hope to have the participation of many more businesses and individuals next year. Our goal is to make sure that none of our neighbors ever go hungry on Thanksgiving again."

Source;|newswell|text|Eastern Shore News|s

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