Monday, January 9, 2012

Good Luck, Courtney!

Prayers and wishes for the very best of luck go today to Courtney Bloxom as she travels to Baltimore, Maryland where she will be a patient at Kenney Krieger Rehabilitation Center for the next couple of months. As always, Courtney will have her mom Becky by her side as she has been through this long journey since May 2010 when Courtney suffered brain injuries from a single vehicle accident.

Since a few days from that horrible night, while Courtney was unresponsive, her Mother Becky rolled up her sleeves and has done what we Mothers hope to never have to endure....carring for a child and believing in God when there seemed to be no hope. Becky Bloxom is a woman of steel. She has kept an open journal since a few days from Courtney's accident. Becky has let the world know her true feelings, her happiness, disappointments and hopes.

Courtney and Becky haven't been without support. It takes a mighty stong family unit to hold it all together and that's what they have. Courtney is blessed to have such a loving and caring brother and sister. And it always makes me smile when I read from Becky's daily writings that Courtney's has made noises prompted by no one else but her Father. - Yes, a daughter will do that for a dad.

Friends, family and extended family have kept close watch on Courtney through the many months. Many prayers have been said and still contiue to flow. Though so much better now than she was a few months ago Courtney still has that long road to travel. She's much stronger now than she was back in May of 2010 and her Mother has just as much determination now as she ever did. We are all hoping that this trip to Baltimore is the last major step for this family to take before Courtney can go home.

The next couple of months will be six days a week of advanced therapy for Courtney, compared to the 3 days per week she had been receiving in Riverside Shore Rehabilitation Center. That's a big difference and every day will put both Courtney and Becky through the grind, I'm sure. Courtney never seems to give up. Becky never seems to give up on Courtney....none of us do.........Becky has hope and never gives up on God. She'll tell you so.

Come home soon...

Please keep Courtney and her family in your prayers.

To read a wonderful story on Courtney's "Farewell Party" and to get some insight on what's been going on with Courtney go here:


  1. I wish Court all the luck in the world in this journey... she is so strong and determined. I see the biggest difference in her since her accident first happend. I guess its just goes to show what can happen when you combine God and a strong determined girl. Who will push her very hardest to get done what needs to be done. We love you Courtney Lorrain:)

  2. Calebs Mommy- I know that if anyone knows Courtney well you would be one of them that does.

    We all know she will do her very best. There is always hope.


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