Sunday, January 22, 2012

My Opportunity To Meet The New Police Chief

Or: "How Grateful I Was To Meet The New Chief Without Wearing Hand Cuffs In an 'Office' In the Basement".

It isn't often that I get the opportunity to do anything by invitation. I just stay down here in "the boonies" (as your Councilman Don Malloy calls  it) and keep peace with nature and tend to the PPE blog.... and some other things....

So, when Councilman Malloy called and offered to show me the insides of two major structures in Pocomoke, one being built and the other being fashioned into the new Pocomoke City police station, I had to take him up on it!

The added bonus was a chance to meet the new Pocomoke City Police Chief. I had received the book written by the police chief "Why Do We Kill" for Christmas so this was my chance to tell him how wonderful the book was and how much it scared me! No... That's not a good thing to say. Telling a homicide detective of 22 years his book scare you? Hmmm... Well, it does and when all of you read the book you will understand.

A series of thoughts ran through my head. Here I was, having grown up in Pocomoke, (a town I love dearly) worked downtown for over 25 hears in the same store, raised two kids in that wonderful town, I know just about everyone there is to know and I am being invited to meet the Chief.

Well, this time all of you knew him before I did so you're one up on me. And most of you know what a great person he is to talk with. But since I "knew" him from his book as the homicide detective in Baltimore City, I was absolutely surprised.

Here's a man that can't be even 50 years of age and has been involved with more TRUE crime than any of the fake crime on television.

Pocomoke City Police Chief Kelvin D. Sewell is a delightful person. He is for real. Chief Sewell is a great big great guy filled with personality and patience to listen....and he's smart! And he gave YOU his word.

I've received so many comments and email about how comfortable the people of Pocomoke have been lately. Many have seen the Pocomoke officers on foot through their neighborhoods. Many of those citizens have even left their houses to go to the street to speak to them. I can only imagine that this must make those officers proud of the job they do.

Please continue to thank them. In Chief  Sewell's "Mission Statement" to the people of Pocomoke City he pledged to "develop a partnership with the community." Mission Statement:

And don't worry. I am not privvy to any inside information. I only know what you know. I know that the foot patrols will continue through the neighborhoods and once the weather becomes suitable there will be bike patrols. I know that Pocomoke City and its people will be protected to the fullest 24/7.  And I know that the people of Pocomoke will be informed on what goes on in their town.  We have already witnessed this with three Press Releases. 

Besides, it wouldn't have done any good at all to tell me any secrets. I'd forget it anyway.

Gee, first time meeting an author of a book, retired homicide detective and police chief of my home town.....I left my cell phone in his office.........had to go back to get it but not until I was totally finished with my day.   And don't worry. I won't apply to be a police officer  and risk the chance of losing a squad car or misplacing a gun.

Thank you, Chief Sewell and everyone at the Pocomoke City Police Department for making Councilman Malloy's and my visit such a pleasant one.  I feel very honored.

(But that's not all! Councilman Malloy and I took a peek into the building that will be the new police station. I'll have pictures so stand by)


  1. Anonymous9:12:00 AM

    Last friday i took my family to the Mar-Va-Theatre to see the movie, New Years Eve. When the movie ended i walked outside with my family and saw pocomoke police walking foot in downtown pocomoke city. With this new chief of police, you don't have to ask the police for anything anymore, it is as though they already know what you are thinking before you ask. Thank you so much pocomoke P.D.

    tWith this new police department they
    left the theatre

  2. Great job to the Pocomoke Police Officers. Keep up the excellent work guys.

  3. Rob Clarke4:04:00 PM

    Thanks for the article about Chief Sewell, the PCPD and their new station. The new station will be a great step forward for out PD.

    Thanks to Councilman Malloy for facilitating your tour.

    Councilman Clarke

  4. Anonymous1:20:00 PM

    Speaking of murders and murderers, one (David Justice) of the Judy Wojcik murderers is already out and has violated his probation already!
    He plead in 2008 and was sentenced to 5 whole years!
    I don't feel so safe when cold blooded murderers were allowed to plead guilty to murder and only given 5 years in prison.

  5. Anonymous1:38:00 PM

    Kendall Northam is getting a new trial because he won an appeal. He's another one of the Wojcik murderers. He kept asking for a new lawyer but everyone ignored him so he won an appeal. I just hope he gets the punishment he deserves and not just a slap like the others were given since a new era has dawned in the county.

  6. Anonymous1:54:00 PM

    From what I been seeing in the papers violent criminals convicted around here lately have been sentenced pretty harshly. Not so in wicomico county though. Some murderer there just got a whooping 5 year sentense. Sounds just like the good old days for criminals that we had around here not long ago.


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