Thursday, January 12, 2012

Pocomoke City Police Chief Makes USA Today News.....

When the former Baltimore City Homicide Detective and now current Pocomoke City Police Chief Kelvin Sewell remarked to a news reporter ...."You wave to someone in Baltimore City you might get shot", he wasn't lying. Even if you're 'street smart' in that beautiful city of Baltimore,  harm can find you.

You can't exist there if you live in fear....and you won't.

Speak to a Baltimore criminal.....or even any Baltimore City about crime in Pocomoke City or the Eastern Shore and I bet they laugh at you. We don't know what big time crime and violence is. Don't believe me? Then may I suggest you get a copy of the book written by Kelvin Swell and Stephen Janis titled "WHY DO WE KILL?".  

I received an autographed copy for Christmas and haven't completely finished it yet but I will tell you this: The book is a MUST read and I just can't say enough  about it.

"However sometimes we have to step outside the box, so to speak. Give a clear view of the world as we see it. Deliver an honest dose of reality as real and unfiltered as a subjective observer's can be" (Kelvin Sewell)

"WHY DO WE KILL?" is that dose of reality for the reader.

I'll report more on this wonderful book when I have finished reading. 

Kelvin Sewell has been the Pocomoke City Police Chief now for just a little over a month and already wonderful things are being said about the changes taking place in and around the great town of Pocomoke City. It's a new day in Pocomoke City now and so many citizens seemed to be pleased with what they have seen in just such a short period of time.

Pocomoke City people can be hard to convince at times but Police Chief Kelvin Sewell seems to have eased so many concerns. With his knowledge and back ground in violence and the worst of crimes  I can't help but sense that Pocomoke City is in the right hands.

Please read this article (see link) about Chief Kelvin Sewell's challenges as police chief in the small town of  Pocomoke City. 

City police find new challenges as small-town chiefs

"WHY DO WE KILL"  can be purchased from Amazon or Barnes & Noble.


  1. Anonymous2:25:00 PM

    Not only people in Pocomoke but people outside in the county are saying what a gem Chief Sewell is and how lucky Pocomoke is to have him.
    Nice book review jmmb and great story in the USA Today.
    I am going to order this book.

  2. Anon 2:25 - There are wonderful comments being made elsewhere concerning the new Police Chief. I failed to mention that.

    Lots of wonderful things happening at the police department.

    Hope you will read the book.

  3. Anonymous4:24:00 PM

    Good read in USA Today. Happy to have you here in Pocomoke Chief Sewell. Already see a difference here.

  4. Anonymous4:33:00 PM

    Any word on the new police station? I wonder if they are going to hold an open house so we can see it? I'd like to see the jail since I've never seen one before. Thank God-never did have the police come knocking on my door for anything.

  5. Anonymous5:09:00 PM

    Thank God for people like Chief Sewell and Beau Oglesby also. I was reading an article in today's Daily Times about a murderer only getting less than 5 years in jail in Salisbury court. This is a miscarriage of justice and the woman's family is in shock over this and mad and they have the right to be and so should all of us.
    I know something like this would never happen under Mr Oglesby watch because he cares about us law biding citizens and doesn't care to just let someone say they are guilty so it looks like he has a conviction under his belt.
    Not only that the murderer lives in Princess Anne so everyone needs to be aware of him when he gets out.

  6. Thank you for your comment Anon 4:33. You ask a very good question and I assure you that as soon as I have any information on the new police station I will let everyone know. I can't wait either.

    Good to know you have never seen the inside of a cell - especially the Pocomoke jail....not very nice. I'd call it dungeon-like. No, I wasn't arrested either but I did take a peek many years ago. Doubt if there's wall paper on the walls and decent bedding yet.


  7. Anonymous5:28:00 PM

    There's a group that can help this woman's family called Delmarva Victims or something like that. They can find out about them on the Salisbury Grinch site. Maybe they could guide the daughter along in demanding answers to this. I think that's what they do.
    The neice is upset also.

  8. Anonymous5:51:00 PM

    It's not Salisbury Grinch anymore but I'm not saying what it is because I'm not giving him any publicity. All he does is want to malign Beau Oglesby (and Sheriff Mason) when it's his own prosecutors office that is lacking so we see.

  9. Rob Clarke7:53:00 PM

    Dear Public Eye,

    Congratulations to Chief Sewell on the article in USA Today and his book. I have only read part of it but what I read was quite interesting.

    The new police station is well underway and I think I can safely speak for the Mayor and my fellow council members in saying that we hope to have the PD in their new station sometime this spring. This can only help improve moral.

    I used to be scoutmaster of our local scout troop when they met in the basement of the current station 20+ years ago. That building was a rat hole then and it has only gotten worse.

    If the citizens of Pocomoke City would like an open house at the new station, please make the mayor, council members, city manager or Chief Sewell aware of your wishes directly.

    Councilman Rob Clarke
    District 5

  10. Sorry, that should say morale, not moral.


  11. Thanks Councilman Clarke for the heads up on the new police station. Springtime seems like a long way off but will be here before we know it.

    Everyone I've heard from seems to be excited about the changes at the Pocomoke police department. But the one thing I wonder is what it's like to step from a life of witnessing and solving hard, unbelievable violence and crime and step into the world of Pocomoke City.

  12. Anonymous11:46:00 AM

    "I know something like this would never happen under Mr Oglesby watch because he cares about us law biding citizens and doesn't care to just let someone say they are guilty so it looks like he has a conviction under his belt."


    Good ole Beau certainly has you fooled! Ask the mother of young Russell Bailey who was killed in Pocomoke how many times Oglesby offered her son's killer a plea deal. Even though there was no question that James Ballard was guilty, Oglesby initially offered him a plea deal of 5 years, then 10, then 15. Luckily Ballard rejected them all and ended up being sentenced to 30 years.

    My point is--stop glorifying Oglesby as though he is the Messiah. He's cutting unbelievable deals with some of the worst criminals but he certainly seems to have you fooled! Pull the wool from over your eyes and call a spade a spade.

    Don't believe it...look into it and see what you find. Better yet, ask Mike Farlow.

  13. Anonymous2:19:00 PM

    I'm sure you know what you are talking about 11:46, since your comment make so much sense-LOL.

    Oglesby offered someone initially a plea deal and 5 years, then upped it to 10 years then again upped it to 15 years? Makes no sense if you want someone to plead guilty to keep on adding more prison time.
    Who are these "worst criminals" that he is "cutting unbelievable deals with?"

  14. Anonymous2:27:00 PM

    Farlow goes around discussing peoples cases 11:46? That plain old lousy of him if you ask me.

  15. Anonymous3:15:00 PM

    Sorry for not ordering the plea offers properly 2:19. Be that as it may, the fact still remains that Oglesby continued to offer multiple deals to a man that flat out admitted to killing someone. As I stated before, luckily Ballard was stupid enough to not take the deal. You can get caught up in the semantics and choose to ignore the real issue if you choose and I will leave you in your own fantasy world.

    2:27--In Farlow's defense, no he didn't discuss anyone's case in particular. He was voicing his opinion on the system and how it doesn't work. I suppose part of it could be bitterness from being fired, but I think the other part of it is from his own personal experience taking part in the shenanigans. I guess this new rhetoric supports his decision to become a defense attorney. Go figure.

    Obviously, I'm a fan of neither Oglesby nor Farlow--I just call things how I see them, whether anyone agrees with me or not.


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