Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Crime Report Is Being Kept Updated.......

For some weeks now the Pocomoke City Police Chief Kelvin D. Sewell has been determined to keep the Pocomoke citizens in the know through a Press Release from his office each week. What you may or may not know is that since that time the Pocomoke City Police Crime Report is also being kept updated.

For some time now Tom and I have felt that the Crime Report was being missed or overlooked on the Pocomoke Public Eye by our readers. So that it can't be missed any longer Tom has placed the same icon used in the Press Release. (Thanks, Tom)

This icon can be found on the right side of the page. To see the current crimes in various areas of Pocomoke City click there and it will take you to the current crime reports.

Thank you again, Chief Sewell, Angel and Gayle for keeping the citizens informed. Also thank you to the Pocomoke City Police Officers for being out there at all times to protect the people of Pocomoke City.  Your presence is noticed.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks PPE for placing the press releases on your website so we as citizens of Pocomoke can always know whats happening in our back yards. Also, a big thank-you to Chief Sewell and the Pocomoke police officers for working hard each and everyday making our pocomoke city streets safe.


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