Friday, February 3, 2012

From The Pocomoke City Police Department ~ YMCA Shooting Update


On January 28, 2012 Pocomoke City Police responded to a call for an Assault in progress which resulted in a shooting incident. Once the Officers arrived on the scene they began investigating the incident. Due to the nature of the call the YMCA was placed on an immediate lock-down by the Pocomoke City Police.

Pocomoke Police learned that a birthday party was being held for a Pocomoke City resident inside of the YMCA. Several individuals from Accomack County, Virginia attended the party when a fight occurred, then while leaving in their vehicles the suspects began shooting in the direction towards the crowd. One of the victim’s was taken to the hospital with minor injuries for the Assault. No one was injured in the shooting incident.

The Pocomoke City Police Officers interviewed several witnesses and were able to positively identify several of the suspects involved in the shooting. While continuing the investigation, Pocomoke City Police assisted by the Accomack County Sheriff’s Office began an intense joint investigation which revealed the suspects involved in the incident did reside in Accomac Virginia.

On January 31, 2012 after further investigation the Pocomoke City Police completed an application for charges on two (2) suspects involved in the incident and received Arrest Warrants for both individuals. Upon receiving the Arrest Warrants the Pocomoke City Police assisted by the Accomack County Sheriff’s Office were able to serve the Warrant on one of the suspects.

On February 2, 2012 while continuing the investigation Pocomoke City Police along with the Accomack County Sheriff’s Office were able to serve the Arrest Warrant on the 2nd suspect involved in the shooting. The Pocomoke City Police and the Accomack County Criminal Enforcement Team were able to conduct two Search & Seizure Warrants on the suspect’s homes in an attempt to gain further evidence on the incident.

The two suspects Arrested and charged as Adults are as follows:

Arrested January 31, 2012: Roderick Rashad Savage, Age 17
Leslie Trent St, Parksley Virginia
Charges: Attempted 1st Degree Murder
1st Degree Assault

Arrested February 2, 2012: Devin Treye Wessells, Age 17
Parks Road, Parksley Virginia
Charges: Attempted 1st Degree Murder
1st Degree Assault

Both Defendants are being held in the Norfolk Virginia Detention Center without bond pending an extradition and preliminary hearing trial date.

The case is still under investigation and more Arrests are to follow.
Chief K D Sewell
Pocomoke City Police Department
February 3, 2012


  1. Anonymous12:21:00 PM

    GOOD JOB !!! These ppl need to know there are consequences for the actions they have. This kind of action has been needed far to long in P-City.

  2. Anonymous3:50:00 PM

    The Pocomoke City Police Department is back. Thank God

  3. Good Job Pocomoke PD

  4. GREAT JOB Pocomoke City Police Dept. and Accomack County Sheriff's Office. Also Accomack County Criminal Enforcement Team.

    It is when ALL law enforcement bodies work together that results are gained so promptly.

    And thankyou, Chief Sewell for allowing the citizens everywhere know what is happening around them. Taking the time to keep them informed means so much.

  5. Those two criminals deserve everything coming to them. If it had not been for the quick response from the pocomoke police who knows what could have occurred at the ymca.

  6. Anonymous5:22:00 PM

    Yes they do. Attempted 1st degree Murder and 1st degree assault is really quite alot for 2 17 yr olds to be faced with.

  7. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

  8. Great job and thanks for keeping the citizens informed. That means a lot. Debbie

  9. Anonymous11:15:00 PM

    Great job to chief sewell, all of the pocomoke police officers involved and accomac county sheriffs office! YOU ALL Solved this crime in less than 6 days, THIS IS awesome!

  10. Councilman Clarke11:49:00 PM

    @ Anon. 5:22

    I strongly disagree that the charges are too much for the alleged perpetrators to face! First of all 17 y.o. should not be carrying guns. Secondly, this sends a strong message to hoodlums everywhere, do not come to Pocomoke City and behave like your Momma never taught you right from wrong because the PCPD is not going to pussyfoot around.
    Thirdly 5:22 would you rather that the PCPD officers have to notify parents that their 15 y.o. son or daughter was murdered because some idiot brought a gun to a birthday party?!
    Thank you PCPD, Chief Sewell and all other LEOs involved for quick and decisive action that has produced results!

  11. Anonymous7:16:00 AM

    What is so upsetting is why these kids (or anyone) feels the need to even bring a gun to a party much less start firing off shots.
    I hope they are dealt with harshly because we can't have these hot headed kooks running loose among civil people.

  12. Anonymous9:38:00 AM

    I agree with Councilman Clarke, the PCPD are doing a great job. This is what we as good hard working honest citizens wanted around her for a very long time. It is also good to see good leadership in the PCPD. Thank you PCPD


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