Sunday, February 26, 2012

Legislative Updates By Delegate Michael A. McDermott

Feb. 26th, 2012

Petition on Same Sex Marriage
“Taking it to the People”
by Delegate Michael A. McDermott

The people of Maryland will soon be given the opportunity to voice their opinion on the O’Malley-Brown Same Sex Marriage Bill (HB-438). This bill, which was defeated in the Judiciary Committee (yet forced to the floor by a combined committee vote with Health-Government Operations) and then passed with the bare minimum “71” needed in the House of Delegates is currently in the process of being petitioned to referendum.

The Petition drive is being headed up by Delegate Neil Parrott (R-Washington Co.) who also successfully launched the petition drive to force In-State Tuition for Illegal Aliens to referendum following last years session. I spoke with Delegate Parrott on Friday and he advised me that the petition language has been submitted to the Maryland State Board of Elections for their review. Once the language of the petition has been approved, it will be put before the public for their active participation.

At this time, the ability to utilize the On-Line Petition format, which was so successful during last years petition drive, will be the primary mechanism for voters to utilize. Voters can go to the site where they can register to participate once the petitions are available. Those willing to help collect signatures can also sign up at this time.

Marylanders who appreciate the liberty to petition a law to referendum should keep a watchful eye on
HB-127 which seeks to force each signature of a petition to be notarized. It is true hypocrisy when these same liberals fight to keep us from requesting a photo ID at a polling place yet want to demand a notarized signature on a simple petition.

The bottom line...liberals have always feared the people. The last thing they want is for the people of Maryland to stand up with a successful petition drive and reject their attempt to redefine marriage. Pay particular attention to those who seek to limit your ability to redress your government. Your liberty and that of your children depends upon it.

Marylanders, take back your state!

1 comment:

  1. IT really looks like the restaurant is coming along nicely, it looks awesome.


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