Friday, February 24, 2012

Men At Work /Pocomoke City Public Works

Here's just part of a great group of city workers that never seem to get alot of praise from the general public.  They are the brave souls  out in all kinds of weather. Some of them slow or stop you while driving in your car on the many streets of Pocomoke City so they can do their job.  These are the guys you swear to under your breath because "they" made you late.

But without these men (and the others I did not see)  Pocomoke would not function!  Pocomoke City Public Works.....this is just one portion of the many men that work for the city of Pocomoke City.  You may not realize but all of these men, regardless of their department work hard for YOU.  Trash and bulk collection, sewer/water hookups, flooded streets, the list goes on...........Would you want their job?

On Thursday these guys were preparing to install the water/sewer lines to the new Pocomoke City police station.  Bill East is the Supervisor and I apologize for any other names I did not get.   You guys are great and thank you for humoring me..

If you know the names of these men please consider sending the names to me by email.


  1. Anonymous9:55:00 AM

    I am always so amazed at how efficient Public Works operates. Like after a storm for instance, they get the mess cleaned up so quickly that we hardly have any interruption at all. Thank You.

  2. Councilman Clarke10:42:00 AM

    Don't forget there is always someone on call from public works and the water dept., 24/7/365 to fix those things that break in the middle of the night.

    Despite their workload the employees do a good job of keeping things within the budget and rarely ask for a lot of "extras".

  3. Anonymous3:18:00 PM

    These people do a remarkable job, especially when you consider that Pocomoke is not a large town and has neither an unlimited equipment budget nor the latest fancy machinery with all the bells and whistles.

    Your friend,


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