Monday, February 13, 2012

Supervisors To Hold Public Hearing on Atlantic Project

The Accomack County Board of Supervisors will meet Monday night at 7:00 PM at Metompkin Elementary School to consider whether or not to allow Atlantic Properties LLC to build a sewage treatment plant in Atlantic. The Accomack County Planning Comission voted not to recommend the proposal to the Board after a public hearing in January. At that meeting dozens of local residents spoke against the proposed plant many of whom contended that the developer should locate the plant within the boundaries of the development instead of transporting the sewage to Atlantic.

Atlantic Properties LLC contended that according to the State code that public utilities could by right build sewage treatment plants in agriculturally zoned areas and that their proposed sewage treatment plant which would serve their proposed planned unit development in Wattsville, was in fact a public utility as defined by the state code.

If the Supervisors follow the path of the Planning Comission, the only option will be for the developer to petition the courts.

The meeting will begin at 7:00 PM at Metompkin Elementary School in Parksley.


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