Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Worcester County Sheriff's Office Press Release

Request the following be released to local paper and news:
     Area citizens have reported an increase in scam attempts. These attempts include request for credit information, wire transfers and other pertinent billing information after stating that you have won various prizes or offers of large amounts of credit. These request have been made by email and telephone and though seemingly harmless, are a valid threat against your personal information and should be taken seriously. 

     The Worcester County Sheriff’s Office in its continuing efforts to prevent crime, remind you to do the following:
1. Do not give out personal information. Creditors of yours should already have this information.
2. Do not confirm creditor information, ask them to mail you the request for confirmation.
3. Protect your computer, use up to date virus protection.
4. Create hard to guess passwords and change them often, at least every 45 days is suggested.
5. Do not ever place your Social Security number on any identifying paperwork or checks.
6. Be aware of your surroundings at all ATM or other cash type machines.
7. Make a list of all credit cards and keep it in a safe.
8. Order your credit report and pay attention to discrepancies.
9. Always file your complaint with your local Police or Sheriff’s Office.
10. Check them out on the web at
11. Never respond to a unsolicited email.
12. The best practice is to delete unwanted emails prior to opening to prevent worms and other downloads.

     Recently; at all area Crime Watches the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office has presented and discussed prevention methods for Identity Theft, the #1 reported crime to the Federal Trade Commission in 2010. We urge individuals to report suspicious activity and to refer the calls to the Better Business Bureau or local law enforcement. Also, we remind each citizen to take a stand and become a part of the local Community Crime Watch that they live in. For more information, please feel free to contact Deputy First Class Dale Trotter; 410-632-1112 for a Community Crime Watch near you.
     Most legitimate creditors will respect your privacy and be willing to go the additional distance to prove their worthiness.
     Remember, if it’s too good to be true, it probably isn't true.

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