Tuesday, March 27, 2012

From Richard Douglas Candidate For U.S. Senate- Maryland 2012

Douglas to Cardin:
Stop Parroting State Department Talking Points on North Korea, other Hot Spots


Bladensburg, MD - As international foreign policy attention focuses on North Korea, US Senate candidate Richard Douglas today urged Ben Cardin to use his position on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to emphasize working in concert with democracies in West Asia to address the rogue state's nuclear ambitions. 

"The communist bosses in Beijing surely are content with Cardin's famous – or, perhaps, infamous -- desire to work 'in concert' with China on threats like Iran," said Douglas.  "Cardin's compliant attitude toward Beijing probably explains his failure to object when China forcibly returns starving and desperate North Korean refugees to their homeland.  But it does not excuse it." 

For years Communist China has forcibly returned North Korean refugees to their suffering homeland, in blatant violation of the principle of non-refoulment, a foundation stone of international humanitarian law.  Many North Korean refugees have been tortured or killed upon return to their homeland.  

Ben Cardin's continuing failure to speak out against North Koreans attempting to escape their starving prison-nation assists the rogue state in developing weapons capacity at the expense of its own people.

"North Koreans, caught in a crushing vice formed by Pyongyang and Beijing, are the forgotten victims of communist oppression," said Douglas. " Maryland does not need a US Senator who chirps pathetic State Department talking points and calls it 'statesmanship.'" 



  1. Bill Miller1:06:00 PM

    North Korea is not THE issue only a small part. The Democratic Party led by the Obama-Pelosi-Reid triad has destroyed NASA, decimated our military, rendered "green" a useless color and tread on state and individual rights. The Democrats believe that bowing to India, China, Islamic Nations and Russia is the way of the future. These countries agree - it's in THEIR best interests. We used to be a world leader. No longer. The triad with its cowardly members are destroying my country (OUR COUNTRY). Come November I will not vote for any candidate with a (D) after their name.

  2. Bill Miller1:06:00 PM

    North Korea is not THE issue only a small part. The Democratic Party led by the Obama-Pelosi-Reid triad has destroyed NASA, decimated our military, rendered "green" a useless color and tread on state and individual rights. The Democrats believe that bowing to India, China, Islamic Nations and Russia is the way of the future. These countries agree - it's in THEIR best interests. We used to be a world leader. No longer. The triad with its cowardly members are destroying my country (OUR COUNTRY). Come November I will not vote for any candidate with a (D) after their name.


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