Thursday, March 15, 2012

From Richard Douglas Candidate For Maryland Senate 2012

U.S. Senate Candidate Richard Douglas on
Maryland's gasoline tax

Governor O'Malley appeared before two General Assembly committees today in a quixotic effort to save his gasoline tax hike proposal.

Following is a statement from U.S. Senate Candidate Richard Douglas:

"Governor O'Malley is addicted to tax increases, including those on gasoline, and Senator Ben Cardin, through his silence, is one of his chief enablers," said Richard Douglas. "Ben Cardin's failure to speak up on the regressive gasoline tax is an endorsement of out-of-control spending which comes out of the pockets of hard-working Maryland families.  Our system of federalism is an important governing principle, but it is not an excuse for a senator to remain silent and abdicate leadership at this critical time when our state is headed in the wrong direction." 

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