Thursday, March 15, 2012

From Richard Douglas For U. S. Senate - Maryland

U.S. Senate Candidate Richard Douglas Releases Radio Ad

Douglas Releases Radio Ad
From Jim Pettit
Contact: 301.704.1363

The Richard Douglas for U.S. Senate campaign announced today a six-figure advertising buy focused on statewide radio, direct mail and voter turnout phone calls as the April 3 primary nears.

The radio ads include news/talk stations WBAL and WCBM in Baltimore and those in the eastern shore, western maryland and southern Maryland and started airing this morning during drive time.

"With these commercials, more voters are realizing that Ben Cardin votes in lock step with Harry Reid to such an extent that he might as well be Nevada's third senator," said Douglas.

"Moreover, Republican primary voters are hearing another important message for the April 3 primary: it is absolutely essential that our party field a candidate who has the experience necessary to take on Ben Cardin."

The ads are built around the narrative the Douglas campaign has been emphasizing in recent weeks, namely inaction in the U.S. Senate, and incumbent Senator Ben Cardin's silence on issues including record high gas prices. The commercials also emphasize Douglas' service to the nation in the Iraq war.

The wherewithal to finance the ad campaign comes from a combination of the candidate's own finances, fundraisers with U.N. Ambassador John Bolton, who has endorsed Douglas, and the recent appointment of campaign chairman, U.S.

Ambassador Roger Noriega who served as Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs in the George W. Bush Administration.

Meanwhile, a new "submarine" social media fundraising campaign, a theme that emphasizes Douglas' U.S. Navy service, began today. The campaign reported $61,000 in campaign contributions in the last FEC reporting period in December 31.

Radio Spot:
Submarine Campaign:

Radio Spot Text:
Man: (shocked) Honey, did you see where gas prices could go to $6?
Woman:'ll wake Ben Cardin. (snoring man sfx)
Man: (in a barely whispered tone) With our jobs going to Virginia, how are we going to afford that?
Woman: (in a hushed tone): Please! You know how Ben Cardin gets when he hasn't had a full term of sleep! (snoring man sfx)
Man: (barely containing himself through gritted teeth) Well I am SORRY that Rip Van Cardin might actually wake up and have to do something....
Woman: Brian!!! We have had Ben Cardin long enough to know that he needs a full 6 years of rest before we can ask anything of him!!! Now let Ben Cardin sleep. (stirring and then more snoring sfx)
music transition
Richard Douglas: Hi this is Richard Douglas. Its time to wake Congress up and that's why I'm running for U.S. Senate.
We've got to get the do nothing professional politicians like Ben Cardin out of Washington.

I'm not a politician. I'm an Iraq veteran and small business owner concerned about jobs and our economy.

My name is Richard Douglas and I'm asking for your support, so we can begin to turn this country around.
Announcer: Republicans must field an experienced candidate who can beat Ben Cardin.

In the Republican primary on April 3rd support
Richard Douglas.

Learn more at

Richard Douglas: I'm Richard Douglas. I approve this message.
Paid for by the Douglas for Senate 2012 Committee.

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